Sport Boasting About Dietary Support

Sport Fitness
this place has become important to me and so I wanna tell you about my sweet lady and the kidos!

As you know diet "control", not dieting, is new for me. I have a wife and 3 children.

My sugar-bunches made spagetti tonight and she used Turkey, Whole Wheat noodles, and a home made sauce (to save us from the sugar and junk in the jar type sauce).

TJ my son thought it was great. he has a 6 pack and obliques showing. (12)
Jennifer Sue my daughter thought is was gross but said she woudl get used to it.
Brittney Ann - said whaever! (she's 15).

I have total support for my diet at home and I am proud.

home made sauce (to save us from the sugar and junk in the jar type sauce).

Home made sauce mmmmmmmm.....

How about posting up her recipe, I have tried to make a good sauce for years and just can't do it. Just a thought

A family that eats healthier together is always a good thing..
Dud3 Homemaed Sauce Si Teh Rul3st