Is there a way to factor in muscle mass or grandular tissue vs. fatty tissue in your bmi?
I was 140lbs (5'7") in high school which put me at a bmi of 22. I was also anorexic with every single one of my ribs showing, hip bones stuck out and couldn't get myself to go any smaller. I also was blessed (?) with 34F breasts from my mother... which I'm pretty sure attributed to some of the reason I couldn't go any smaller on the scale.
Fast forward to my wedding two years later and I was 160lbs (25 BMI), which technically puts me in the overweight category. However, I was all lean muscle and looked *really* good... still with those 34F's. I was working out 5 times/week, had a very healthy diet and did competitive figure skating.
Fast forward again to two children and toxemia/pre-eclampsia in both pregnancies and I ballooned up to 260lbs (9 months preggo weight). I lost 40lbs within the first two months of giving birth (both times) and then slowly lost another 20lbs over the first year each time.
I am currently at 201lbs (have lost 14lbs since Sep. 1) and working towards that 160lbs number again. My short term goal is to be 191lbs by Nov. 18th. I have a consultation for a breast reduction (currently 34I) on that date and want to be below a 30 bmi. I should be having surgery by April and want to hit 180lbs by then.
I think I'm being realistic... doing WW (easier than counting calories for me), but I don't consider it a diet... I consider it a lifestyle change. This is how I'll be eating for the rest of my life... not that I've ever eaten unhealthy (other than anorexic high school period), but I've stepped it up and am being very conscientious of portion size and water intake. I am also working out 5 times per week (1/2 hour cardio, 1/2 hour strength).
I'm having a bit (okay... a lot) of trouble with my back as the weight comes off... my ribcage has shrunk 2" and my breasts have not shrunk at all (which is how I suspect it's mostly grandular tissue and not fatty tissue in there). My ribcage is currently 32" and my bust is 46"... which explains the sore back.
All of that background, sorry... I'm really trying hard not to worry about the number and just worry about how I look, but I still want that BMI to be in the healthy range (especially before surgery) *and* look healthy on me. I'm just not sure if that's totally possible given my history?
Is glandular tissue ever factored into a BMI or how does that work? I know there's no way my breasts can weigh an extra 20lbs due to glandular tissue... is there glandular tissue found elsewhere in the body that could attribute to this?
I tried looking for stickies on this... but the search function is not recognizing BMI as a search term. I figured if I posted here, you long timers could tell me like it is and point me in the direction of correct information.
Thanks, Jen
I was 140lbs (5'7") in high school which put me at a bmi of 22. I was also anorexic with every single one of my ribs showing, hip bones stuck out and couldn't get myself to go any smaller. I also was blessed (?) with 34F breasts from my mother... which I'm pretty sure attributed to some of the reason I couldn't go any smaller on the scale.
Fast forward to my wedding two years later and I was 160lbs (25 BMI), which technically puts me in the overweight category. However, I was all lean muscle and looked *really* good... still with those 34F's. I was working out 5 times/week, had a very healthy diet and did competitive figure skating.
Fast forward again to two children and toxemia/pre-eclampsia in both pregnancies and I ballooned up to 260lbs (9 months preggo weight). I lost 40lbs within the first two months of giving birth (both times) and then slowly lost another 20lbs over the first year each time.
I am currently at 201lbs (have lost 14lbs since Sep. 1) and working towards that 160lbs number again. My short term goal is to be 191lbs by Nov. 18th. I have a consultation for a breast reduction (currently 34I) on that date and want to be below a 30 bmi. I should be having surgery by April and want to hit 180lbs by then.
I think I'm being realistic... doing WW (easier than counting calories for me), but I don't consider it a diet... I consider it a lifestyle change. This is how I'll be eating for the rest of my life... not that I've ever eaten unhealthy (other than anorexic high school period), but I've stepped it up and am being very conscientious of portion size and water intake. I am also working out 5 times per week (1/2 hour cardio, 1/2 hour strength).
I'm having a bit (okay... a lot) of trouble with my back as the weight comes off... my ribcage has shrunk 2" and my breasts have not shrunk at all (which is how I suspect it's mostly grandular tissue and not fatty tissue in there). My ribcage is currently 32" and my bust is 46"... which explains the sore back.
All of that background, sorry... I'm really trying hard not to worry about the number and just worry about how I look, but I still want that BMI to be in the healthy range (especially before surgery) *and* look healthy on me. I'm just not sure if that's totally possible given my history?
Is glandular tissue ever factored into a BMI or how does that work? I know there's no way my breasts can weigh an extra 20lbs due to glandular tissue... is there glandular tissue found elsewhere in the body that could attribute to this?
I tried looking for stickies on this... but the search function is not recognizing BMI as a search term. I figured if I posted here, you long timers could tell me like it is and point me in the direction of correct information.
Thanks, Jen