BMI Question

Where can I find a reputable BMI article to tell me if my set weight goal is not low enough based on the BMI?

I guess currently this ticker thing says that if I weigh 130, my BMI will be around 22. Is that still too high?
I think it's really only considered obese if you are above a 25. Kinda depends on how much is fat and how much is heavier muscle too. I'm getting down to where I don't have much fat left to lose, yet my BMI is still supposedly a 22.6. So, go figure. I would have to lose another 20 pounds of fat for me to be below a 20 BMI. That's just not possible. If it's mostly muscle weight, I wouldn't worry about a 22.

I guess a 22 is actually my goal. I'm 5'9" and weigh 153. According to my calculator, if I get down to 149, I'll be at 22. From my experiences... no way should anybody consider that "still too high".
That's awesome! You are so close to your goal!!! Great Job!

I am constantly reconsidering my weight choice, but I guess I should get to 130 and see how I look and feel before moving lower. I do know 10 years ago when I was 122, I looked gaunt and sick. My cheeks were sunken and IMO, it was just gross. Although, weight does affect us differently as we age.
If you maintain a good LBM while losing fat then you can be at a higher scale weight but ideal personal look. Use the mirror and if you like what you see then that is your goal weight.
BMI's are inherently bad. they don't take into consideration body frame or current muscle-to-fat ratios. for example, last year, i worked out hard for 6 months and increased my bench from 135x8x3 to 175x10x3, yet i didn't gain or lose a single pound. So, based on the BMI, i was still exactly the same, but that's impossible based on my power gains.

A proper test will require using calipers in at least 5 areas, not an online test.

I think good goal BMI for guys is around 14-16 and for women 18-20 ... keeping in mind that these are not "perfectly" fit people, but are in good shape. Also, too low is just as bad, if not worse than too high.
Yes, I think he meant body fat percentage. According to everything I've seen, healthy BMI is between about 20 - 25.
The BMI calculator from the website of the national heart lung and blood institute
Gives these ranges:
* Underweight = <18.5
* Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
* Overweight = 25-29.9
* Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
Like others have said BMI can be quite limited as people with lots of muscle will be catagorised as obese and frail people could be seen as under-weight. There is a link on that website about the limitations of BMI.
Hope that helps :)
and so it all begins...

i dont quite know what my next step is... but i know im getting started and thats good...