Sport BMI and my big body

Sport Fitness
I've recently taken to figuring out what my actual body fat percentage is. So far, all the results have been wildly differing. I'm 5'9", weight 235 lbs. Here's some measurements:

Neck: 18 in
Upper Arms: 16 in
Forearms: 14 in
Chest: 46 in
Ribcage: 39 in
Stomach: 39 in
Waist: 37 in
Wrists: 7 in
Thighs: 24 in
Calves: 16 in
Ankle: 12 in

So far, these are my different fat measurements:

BMI: 34.0%
Military Tape Test: 20%
3 different caliper formulas: 17.5%, 19%, 20%

I am a bit overweight, this I know. I've actually dropped somewhere between 4 and 6% bodyfat in the past few years. My eating habits are pretty pristine (aside from the morning sugar free Red Bull, and the bi-weekly/monthly splurge of getting some pizza or something), I drink plenty of water, and get a lot of exercise. My resting pulse is around 70, and my blood pressure is rockin right around 120/60.

The BMI is horribly, horribly wrong.

Is there any accurate way to measure my actual bodyfat percentage?
For reference, my diet usually consists of the following:

1-2 servings of meat
2 fairly large salads per day, raw, with spinach, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and a bit of purple cabbage. Maybe cucumbers. No dressing.
1-2 pieces of toast 3 times a week
6 8oz glasses of water
3 hard boiled eggs
1 cup yogurt
2 mozz. cheese sticks
1 bowl cereal (Usually mixed with the yogurt and some blackberries, blueberries, or grapes)
1 or 2 days a week I'll have a small piece of cake or something
I work outside, and work out around 2 hours a day, so I'll down another gallon of water and/or a big Gatorade daily.
1 serving grains daily, usually wild rice
Maybe a roll for dinner if I'm pining for one
2-3 cups a day of lowfat cottage cheese
In short the best way to have your body fat is DEXA & Hydrostatic Weighing, I suggest you google them to learn about both. There hard to find places that do them, the only place that does them here in San Diego is UCSD at Medical school. Also there's a mobile Hydrostatic that comes around to my gym (World Gym in Pacific Beach, CA) and they usually charge $50 but its by appt only and they come once a year. Besides that the only way is having a Certified PT caliper you. Your body fat is not bad, but I understand trying to get down to a goal or just wanting to be in the best shape. I would definitely look at having your (TDN) Total Daily Caloric Need measured to maximize your fat loss. I would also keep a diet of 40/40/20% (Carbs,Protein,Fats) or even look into the Warrior Diet by Ori Hofmenkler. It was a healthy and smart way for me to get down to 8% BF from 25% in 6 months, before I became a Cert. Personal Trainer. Hope this helps.
Yeah, I'm tryin to get cut out and look like I'm smuggling pythons in my stomach.

Thanks for the advice and links. There really aren't any hydrostatic or DEXA places here that aren't specialized, like breast cancer places or pediatrics.

Looks like I'm going to have to go off of looks.