Weight-Loss BLS Challenge Week 6 Bonus



New member
Just because I'm not completely heartless, I'm posting the next bonus early to give you all a heads up. :D I'm sure most of you have heard me drone on about how bad high sodium intake is when you're trying to lose weight. Mainly b/c it causes water retention. Most people eat much more sodium than they should. 2500mg a day is the maximum recommended, yet most people eat over 3000mg per day.

So, week 6's bonus is to consume less than 2500mg of sodium per day. 3pts each day.

Be careful when you use online calorie calculators to see your sodium content, as it isn't always correct. For example, these frozen chicken breats I buy (unbreaded--just chicken) say there is about 300mg of sodium per 4oz, whereas fitday says there is over 700mg of it. The reason being, they assume I've salted it. So rely on what the labels say more than the online calculators. I would not add table salt to anything this week, as a teaspoon of salt has 2325mg of sodium--that's nearly all of your daily allowance.

I think you all will be surprised at how much sodium you're eating. I know I was amazed at how much I eat--and I never salt my food.

Anyway, enjoy your high-sodium foods while you can.....:lurk5:
Good one. This is going to take a lot of pre-planning on my part as several things I normally eat are high in sodium. Time to start doing some label reading and plotting out my meals for next week.

Thanks for the early heads up.

Agreed, thanks for the early heads up. I don't think I have any clue how much sodium I take in, so I'm crossing my fingers that it's not too much over our limit. I have a hard time with adjustments :).....but thus far all the challenges have helped me change things in a positive way so I love each of them!
That is a good one. I can do it but I instantly see myself loosing 3 points on Sunday. We are invited for a Chinese meal at some friends and there won't be any way to know how much sodium is there in their home cooked food. Well... c'est la vie :(
I was so scared when this page was loading!
Good challenege mind!
Thought it was going to be something completly awful!
I have been reading some of my labels.

How do you suggest we count products that say the following?:
"trace <1% GDA"
Yeah, I've been getting my salt fix the last few days, so I thought it was only fair that the rest of you could as well. :D :lurk5:

Wulsk--I would try to log your Chinese food into fitday or sparkpeople (if you can) and see what it says. If it's homemade, you could always ask the cook if she added extra salt. Go easy on the soy sauce--it's loaded with sodium.
Since I am doing that fresh veggie fruit thing for another week I think that I should do very well with this challenge.
In fact I have already noticed how oversweet/salty things are when they are not fresh.
It's amazing how much better things are tasting now that I am getting away from all things processed.
Good Challenge.
That is a good one. I can do it but I instantly see myself loosing 3 points on Sunday. We are invited for a Chinese meal at some friends and there won't be any way to know how much sodium is there in their home cooked food. Well... c'est la vie :(

Wulsk, I'm going to have a similar problem. We have plans to go to a restaurant for dinner on both Friday (Mexican) and Sunday (Italian). Then today, my husband said he wanted to out on Thursday too for Valentine's Day. I told him that he was killing me, lol, and convinced him to wait for the weekend instead.

When we do go out I'm just going to ask them to not use any salt when they prepare my meal. When I order I'm going to keep it as simple as possible.

If it's homemade, you could always ask the cook if she added extra salt. Go easy on the soy sauce--it's loaded with sodium.

LOL. She'd look at you like you grew a second head. Or maybe a third. You aren't going to get under 2.5g of sodium on a day you have homemade Chinese food, unless the cook is on a sodium-restricted diet.

I've watched my MIL cook homestyle Chinese food, and I can think of a dozen ingredients she uses all the time with more sodium density than soy sauce (which is never used at the table in our house), and if you asked her if she added extra salt, she'd puzzle at you and say no. Because what she added was the normal amount of salt, intended to season not only the dish but the plain rice served with it. I pass on the rice (because I'd rather save my carbs for something else), and find her veggies over-salted even after I rinse them under hot water for a few minutes.
Omega has informed me that tap water does have sodium in it--news to me. However, b/c the amount of it varies depending on your local supplier or well, I have decided it's too hard (next to impossible) to count the sodium content of it. Therefore, tapwater will not count towards your 2500mg. But, if you drink bottled or flavored water that has a label with the sodium content on it, that counts.
2500 and under.

Ok thanx - i can do this :) LOL