Sport Blood Type Diets

Sport Fitness


anyone ever try them? i have a friend who is on it. sounds interesting, but i don't know much about it and is it just one of those other fad diets out there?:confused: just curious.
Eh, it makes sense at first glance. However all goods foods are good for all people, regardless of blood type.

If you ask me, blood type diets are unnecessary and more restricted than any other diet that can greatly benefit you. Atkins diet, for example. (lol)
I have read somethig about blood type diets.
I am type A and if a follow the diet I should not eat enithing I ate before:confused:
Anyway I am 174cm high and 74 KG
I agree that these diets might seem excessive. However, my mother suffers from a wide range of chemical and food sensitivities and she has found that her health greatly improved by following the blood type diet. I think it depends on each individual, including existing sensitivities, age, etc.

It might be good to use as a guideline if you find it too restrictive!