blood tinners?

Hello, I'm not sure if this will be a best place for this question but.

Blood tinner, and how will it affect a person working out and running, good? bad? Sorry been trying to find out before i hit the bed... -_-;; oddly the person taking it is healthy but with high blood pressure.

Once again if this is not the best place to ask, I'm sorry.
I take Plavix and it doesn't affect my training at all. If your friend is on Coumadin, the big issue is that if he/she were to get seriously injured such as hit by a car, there could be serious consequences from external or internal bleeding. There are many, many athletes doing Ironmen triathlons while on Coumadin or Plavix.
I believe your friend is going to be alright. If there fitness training is to releave the symptoms of HBP perhaps start light and make sure your friend gets clearance from the doctor first. Secondly, it would be a good idea if your friend hired a personal trainer even for a short while to get educated on the whole thing with fitness with hypertension. Your friend doesn't want to over exert themselves and cause any serious medical emergency. If you need anything else please let me know. I am a firefighter and paramedic.:)
I wouldnt go by that advice because 99% of pt dont have any proper medical knowledge. Which is unfortunate in the US.

How high is the bp? Should be allright, have to be wary of taing other things which might further thin the blood like eating a lo of omega 3