Weight-Loss Bloating



New member
Over the period of about 4-6 months last year I lost my first 10 kgs, but after that things started to get harder to lose weight. I ended up losing another 10, making me 50kgs, but I became obsessed with exercise and was only eating around 600 calories a day, I had no energy, extremely moody and couldnt think straight. At one stage I felt so ill I couldnt get out of bed. So I desided to stop it. I started to eat more and my stomach started bloating like a balloon every time I ate.I had put on 10 kgs again, and have digestive problems ever since. It has been 6 months and I have just recently lost around 5 kgs from running and eating well, but I'm still bloating and can hardly digest anything

I have been to the doctor - they put me on IBS tablets, which haven't helped
I went to a nutritionist, they say I may be intollerant to gluten - but even rice makes me bloat.


I don't know what else to do.

Other symptoms:
Fluid retention, infrequent bowel movements, darkness under eyes, no energy
When you were consuming low calories, did you cut milk, and milk products out of your diet?

Do you find you're bloated at a specific time during the day? All day, night? After meals? After certain foods?
You should go back to your DR. and tell him your still having problems. Ask him about ProBiotics and digestive enzymes. You may have depleted the natural flora in your stomach and intestines from harsh dieting.