Sport bloated

Sport Fitness
when ever i eat dinner i always feel and look so bloated, my stomach sticks out and i hate it. is there anyway to make this stop? im trying to eat 6 or so small meals a day but its really hard. i live with my parents and i kind of have to eat what they make me for dinner. any suggestions?
You need to learn how to cook and stop relying on mommy and daddy's meals unless they accomodate your goals. The bloat is prob not as bad as you think afterall, you do have food in your stomach, so a little bloat after eating it quite normal.
i know how to cook, the problem is there is nothing TO cook. i dont have a job at the moment, so i cant afford to buy my own food right now. I try to eat healthy when my parents cook i try to suggest things for them to buy for healthier choices but right now its really hard.
trequ said:
i know how to cook, the problem is there is nothing TO cook. i dont have a job at the moment, so i cant afford to buy my own food right now. I try to eat healthy when my parents cook i try to suggest things for them to buy for healthier choices but right now its really hard.
I understand.

Try going to the grocery store with your mom or dad when they go and start throwing the foods you want into the cart. As long as your parents see that you are trying to be healthy, i don't see why they wouldn't accomodate that.
Your bloat can be down to a medical problem. Many people (me included) have food intolerances they don't know about, e.g. milk, gluten, soya, shellfish, tomatoes, etc.. Try to eat few different foods at a time and see what you react to. I'd start with milk, the most common intolerance.
Are you overeating? Or drinking too much with your meal? How about sodas? Once at a bbq I drank about 32 ounces of coke :eek: I was so bloated, I actually could not enjoy my food-did not eat it-that's the last time I drank that much soda! lol
Could be anything. After eating the stomach will be a little bigger, but it shouldn't feel blaoted. Sounds like the foods you are eating at dinner are causing it. Usually bad carbs cause bloating.