Blaze's journal

This is going to include my lifts and my diet. The cable machine I use from home doesn't have that many plates on it, so I've started to customize it by taping together free weight plates and chaining them to the top of the rack. Works perfectly. Eventually when I have the income I'll buy an actual barbell and more plates because obviously it's a more effective way of training than through a machine, even if it uses cables.

Here are my current stats. I'm lifting lighter because right now I'm trying to adapt to my diet, so will probably be lifting much more by next week.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday workout

Deadlift: 74kg

30-90 seconds rest

Bench press: 71kg

5 minute rest. Repeat x5.

This may not seem like a complete workout to some, but trust me, your whole body will respond to deadlifts and bench press combined. Triceps, hamstrings, quads and chest get the most out of this, while biceps, calves and shoulders are hit second. Even if you're short on time it's a great routine because it's so simplistic and doesn't completely exhaust you afterward. I find myself with almost more energy even if I really push it.
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8:00am - peanut butter bagel, tall glass of milk, banana - 750 cals

11:00am - peanut butter and honey sandwich - 520 cals

2:00pm - tall glass of milk, mixed nuts/smoked meat, apple - 600 cals

5:00pm - peanut butter and honey sandwich - 520 cals

8:00 pm - Tall glass of milk, 2burger/steak/beef/porc, onion salad with olive oil - 500-600+ cals

This is generally what I have during the day, with the exception of lunch and supper being different almost every day.

Usually I'll try to add another meal in there by eating 2 hours after certain meals instead of 3. Otherwise meal #6 is pushed to 11:00pm and it doesn't matter where I am, I won't have the time to digest the food or get enough sleep. Also I might just eat more calories per meal in 5 meals.

I usually get from 3000-3300 calories this way, but eventually I'm going to need more as I make gains.

Any personal suggestions are welcome.
Ok so I want to post my weight progression here but I have to find a scale that weighs me properly. Both scales in my house are kind of broken and put me about 5-6 lbs under my actual weight.

My estimated weight is 150lbs. The scale keeps giving 141...but that makes no sense as I've been eating much more this past week. I'll have to gauge by how much higher it reads nonetheless.
I've managed to find a suitable routine that allows me to maintain a certain level of muscle tone and mass. I've been really busy for the better half of this last week and as a result haven't been able to follow through on my diet.

The reason is most likely because I restarted my workout cycle, and put my plates back lower again by 15-20 lbs. I don't need as much food to maintain my level of fitness if I lift lighter, but I don't shrink or lose many of my gains either.

I've found that if I maintain a steady 2x a week routine and get to eat loads in between, but don't lift too heavy, I still get to maintain a decent build. I'm not exactly sure why this works, seeing as how pretty much every article online will tell you that the ONLY way to get built is to lift super heavy and eat like crazy. I would guess that's how it's done if you want real fast results, but frankly I'm more concerned with living my life and making slow and steady gains in the meantime.

I'm going to keep doing this and we'll see where it leads. What's important to remember is that CYCLING is a great way to get your muscles to react. If you're tired of increasing the weight over and over and being forced to eat way too much to compensate, just go back to lighter weights and move your way back up but SLOWLY. Try increments of 2-3 lbs every few workouts instead of 10lbs.

That's all I got for now. See you all later.