Sport Black-Eyed Peas: presoak - Yes or No?

Sport Fitness

Should one presoak one's black-eyed peas?

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Very confused about whether I should do this or not. Currently have a batch in the slowcooker on high. Which is another thing I'm unclear on: whether or not it's okay to prepare them in a crockpot.

Vote or I will cut you. Also, an explanation would be lovely. :D
Also, I just discovered that they're sometimes called cowpeas, for anyone who's wondering what the heck a blackeye pea is. No, not the hip-hop group. Though I'm sure wet Fergy is verrah nice.

And what the... how am I supposed to know if they're mature or immature? Gah.
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So I went and a load of these into the crockpot, unsoaked, and cooked them on high for 4.5 hours. They turned out pretty nice. The trick is not to put any salt in during cooking. I never knew! I'll try a presoak next time and report back.