bit of advice wanted...


New member
hi all - i'm after a bit of advice/thoughts from those of you who may have had a similar experience to me or might know a bit about weight loss (which I'm sure many of you do)

i'm following the Dukan diet, I've been on it now since the 26th December, had one bad few days where I ate carbs, but I've been keeping up my regular hard exercising (i was doing it before starting the diet, its not new) of up to 2 hours of cardio a day with some light upper body weights but I'm finding I've stopped losing weight now and I'm not sure why.
When I worked out how much I was eating its generally no more than 1200 calories a day, simply because I am not hungry, all the protein in my diet has wiped out my appetite and I will not eat when I'm not hungry and won't stuff myself full, some days I struggle to make it to 1000 calories. I know this is not enough if you do all the maths but I'm not hungry so surely I can't be starving my body? If/when I feel hungry/weak/tired (not often) I do eat, I'm not keen on starving myself at all.

But, like I said, I've stopped losing weight now and thought I'd put it out there and see if anybody can think of any reason why! Not sure if you need any stats or anything but I'm 5 foot 3 and currently weigh 135lbs and I think my body fat is around 29%

Thanks in advance
Hi Emma,

Well, I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you are doing EVERYTHING right, and it's just not working... that is a crappy feeling!

I would suggest maybe keeping track of everything for a week, and see if that offers some insight. For example: start a food diary at home, and write down everything (including creamer in coffee, a handful of almonds, etc.). Also, keep a daily record of the number of minutes you excersise, and what exercise you do. Then take those minutes to a calorie calculator like this:

This will let you see where you are at the end of a week (give or take), and then you can figure out if you are really struggling!
hi - thanks so much for your ideas, but I'm already doing this and have a daily deficit of around 800-900 calories!

I've been using to track my food as its pretty comprehensive for the UK.

Really can't work out why I'm not losing
hmm, curious.

Do you have access to a doctor? I would maybe get blood work done and make sure that your hormones are all in check. You def. should be losing weight if your weekly deficit is over 6000. You should be losing at least a pound a week. You may be taking in too much sodium, and having some bloating issues, but blood work is a good way to get some information on the hormones!
I was also thinking on my run this morning, wondering if you take any medications? There are many medications that either contribute to water retention, or directly to weight gain... notorious examples are Lyrics, for Fibromyalgia, and it's predecessor Gabapentin (Neourontin)... as well as many NSAIDS that are commercially available. Just a thought!


also, pregnant? My sister is an avid runner, and she started gaining weight one month in an unprecedented way... 1 month later... BAM, I found out I was going to be an uncle
2 hours cardio a day is insane and if you do it every day may be the case that your body has grow accustomed to the routine, so adapted.
Its always good to get your blood checked.
My mum did the Dukan diet and was quite poorly after doing it for a few weeks :/ Don't think she took a crap for about 10 days! I think you should mix up your diet. I'd also take a look at some articles online about the Dukan diet as it's had very, very mixed reviews and does not work for everyone. It can cause all sorts of problems to your body :/
What phase of the diet are you in? Could you describe a little what your average daily intake is?