Bingo Wings


Sport and Exercise Coach
Staff member
I was feeling a little bored this morning and began to think about the various name people call the the tricep fat that hangs down from the upper arm of many of us on the forum, my list so far includes ....

bingo wings
turkey jerky
bat wings
tuckshop arms
mooney arms
dinner lady arms
nanna wobble
bingo flaps
auntie arms
bingo wobble
nanna flaps
australian bicep

what other terms have you seen used ?
I've always called that my "bye-bye arms". As in, when I wave good-bye, so do my arms. :cry:
Try ankle weights on your wrist's. The added weight will force your upper arms and shoulders to burn more fat then normal. Also completely eliminate all forms of salt from your diet. Get into if not already, speed walking and hold your arms while walking like your running. A punching bag also helps, because of the continuous stretching of your arms, but be careful with this and always keep your elbows slightly bent during the extension as to not hurt your elbow or the surrounding muscle.
I'm sort of split between batwings and bingo wings... batwings because it lends an air of coolness to them... and makes me conjure up images of ridiculous bodymod projects. bingo wings because tis so funny :D
Bingo wings for me.. maybe because I go to bingo like the really old 21 year old lady tat I am. but everyone there DOES actually have them.

Ive also heard armsacks from somewhere.. cant remember though
my son calls them my bat flaps lol