I can only give you what I personal use to curve the cravings.
When i feel like bingeing its usually the urge to eat an entire pizza, or 2 for 1 wing night, or chinese buffets (The bane of my waist line), and salty snack crackers. I can eat so much in one sitting its rediculous.
Right now what i do when i get those cravings, i start feeling depressed, which reminds me of why i started this lifestyle change in the first place. I think about the progress I've made so far, and how binging on food would be a bump in the road so to speak, and the craving is curbed. Another way i prevent the craving is I have completely removed all un healthy food from my kitchen. When i go to the store and i pass by the food that i used to by, and I dont buy it now it makes me feel better.
When i do get that hungry feeling through, i eat a 180 calorie Nature Valley granola bar, or a peice of fruit. Once the hunger pain subsides I'm better.
Really your going to have to dig deep inside your self, and find that drive that will make you stick to your lifestyle change (i.e. not giving into those cravings) Every time i resist the urge to fall back into those habits, it makes the next craving all that much easier to handle.
you will get there man.
another way to look at it is, that this process is not shor term, it is a life time of change. So if you do end up binge eating, don't give up, its a bump in the road.