just shooting from the hip, I am a big fan of yoga. Bikram, i think is a healing/treatment extension of the path? Isn't is focused toward a fix, in choosing mantras and such? If there is nothing wrong, then you are searching for a higher path, and greater realization.
I should do a search, but I know a lil about this stuff so I am not taking the time. hahahaha that is my qualifier for if I am totally off track.
concentrated stretch, and brething control will definately tone us up. I should do more myself.
Oh hey, I just looked it up. That is Hatha yoga, and the Bikram add is the high temp environment. And I was right,,, Bikram is that dude that got hurt and then altered his yoga practice toward his own healing and then became world champ, and then helped all the old crips get better.
that hot steamy yoga looks great!! One point is this-- sweat/water weight lost in a steam (exterior temperature) does not really equal weight loss. The body will add that water right back into those cells as soon as it gets a chance. AND, remember- when you come out of here your dehydration level will be perceived as hunger, so be careful not to gorge on food in the quest for water replacement.