Weight-Loss Bike to Work Week Mini Challenge may 14 - 18th

May is National Bike Month

The League of American Bicyclists is promoting Bike-to-Work Week from May 14-18 and Bike-to-Work Day on Friday, May 18.

Bike to Work Week May 14 - 18, 2007

Bike Commute Day May 17, 2007


this looks like a fun mini challenge :)
You know, I could probably do this as my commute is only 18 miles, but the problem is, I'm not allowed to bike on the bridge connecting my work to the mainland.
Maybe I will bike to the park and ride and take the bus over....
something to think about.
count me in lol - but i bike to work most days its not raining (and according to forcast its not raining this week)

So even though im in the wrong country, and its winter, im gonna bike to work and back every day .. just because i can *G*
I wish i could do this, but the only way to get to my job from where i live in this very long backroad that everuyone drives about 70 on and there's no place for people to walk to bike on the side..

so instead of actually making it to work i'd be roadkill... ahh well.

but it woudl be awesome for exercising and for gas money!! haha!
I have been thinking about buying a bike now this gives me some incentive to go do that after work today so I can bike the rst of the week and probably most days after that!
horah! and i even bought a new bike (that cost so much my husband said i better bloody ride the thing everywhere, including in the bed!).

I don't bike to a job (yet) but I'm trying my best to bike 9 miles a day (some days only 6, some days 3) But if that still counts, count me in!

... Hope the weather doesn't go down the toilet!

May is National Bike Month

The League of American Bicyclists is promoting Bike-to-Work Week from May 14-18 and Bike-to-Work Day on Friday, May 18.

Bike to Work Week May 14 - 18, 2007

Bike Commute Day May 17, 2007


this looks like a fun mini challenge :)

I would love to do this....

if it weren't for the fact that I rode to work by bike for the first time ever yesterday and spilled it in the middle of traffic rendering my bike broken:(
I wish I could bike to work! I've seen people bike on the road my office is on, but I'm SCARED! There's a narrow sidewalk with a guard rail and 50 mph traffic on one side and a 20 foot vertical drop on the other. Uh...

But I do walk to work every day! Biking would just save me some time (I'm only a mile away).

I'm gearing up to bike to the grocery store though since I usually only pick up a few things. Need some new brakes before I do it though.