Weight-Loss Big Tummy



New member
This is my first time in starting a new thread. I'm pretty new here :Angel_anim:

I am not fat. Kind of on the the skinny side. I am one of those blessed with a fast metabolism. However, my tummy really concerns me. It's like im 2 to 3 months pregnant and a lot of people are asking if I am. What exercises would be best? With this its a given that I can't do sit ups because I have very weak stomach muscles.

I have seen people like that who are skinny in every way except for their stomach, it's wierd I don't know what causes it. I remember one job where I worked there was a woman who was skinny but looked 5 or 6 months pregnant when I started working there and after about 6 months I asked someone when is she having her baby and they were like she's not pregnant. I was like yikes! Good thing I didn't ask her when she was due! LOL! I would think walking and bike riding would help because bike riding exercises and tones all of the muslces in your body. Maybe start with that. :coolgleamA:

Well ... the thing is that fat is fat is fat. Some people get it all over, and some people it's pretty localized. (My aunt gains weigh the same way - she always has gorgeous slim legs and hips, but a huge belly - she jokes that she's a walking tummy.) But ultimately it's still fat and the only way to get rid of it is to lose weight all over and let your body adjust how it will.

Situps and crunches really won't help much, since you can't target fat loss. (I know, it sucks, but it's the truth.)

The best thing to do would be to work on losing weight by cutting back on food a bit and doing a combination of body resistance sort of work and cardio.

Now, that said, I know that some people are sensitive to wheat, carbs, or gluten (or some combination of the three) and eating those things causes them to get really bloated in the stomach area. If you think that might apply to you, you might try playing aorund with your diet some - try cutting out certain food types for 3-4 weeks at a time and see if there's any change in your body shape.

My advice would be to start out reading the stickies in the various forms - especially the ones on nutrition and exercise. There's some really great information there and it'll give you a good start! :)
Thank you PaperMoon and KaraCooks. I'm a fan of salty foods. I'll probably start with that. The thing is, I think what I did was wrong. I was trying to gain weight. I'm happy with the rest of my body and all. Don't get me wrong.

How about this health plan. Eat less, a lot of walking and more vitamins? Would you think that would work? This is where I got the idea. Below is the link. All comments are appreciated.
weight gain round the middle has been shown to be linked with the adrenal glands, so the amount of stress the body is under including nutritional, sleep, toxins etc. other examples of weight gain in other areas is back fat, this is associated with poor carbohydrate tolerance.

i would look to see if you have any intolerances which is making your stomach "paunch" as well as increasing your deep abdominal tone - transverse abdominals etc as this will help with all over abdominal tone and how the weight is toned and held (you would have a lot of luck googling "TVA exercises"). weight in the just the middrift can also be hard fat being stored inbetween the organs such as intestines etc, something your doctor would probably only be able to tell you. this again would all be down to a poorish diet but your body having a good ability to tolerate it, probably hence staying thin and just gaining in the middle.

few things to think about. ben
This may seem a funny question - but does the bulge that you have in your midriff feel like fat when you prod it?

The thing is that as I lost weight it became obvious that I was left with a bulge in my midriff area. At first I thought that it was fat - and/or that my stomach muscles had been damaged by my former large weight. As I lost more and more weight it became obvious that it did not feel like fat and that something else was going on.

I showed my doctor and she agreed that it was not fat - but she didnt know what it was either... She sent me to the hospital for a scan and it turned out that it was my bowel. I had developed a hernia and my bowel kept moving up to my midriff area. Before it could be sorted out it got trapped and I ended up having to have an emergency operation to sort it out.

I am not saying that this is what has happened to you - simply that every bulge that appears in our midriff is not necessarily fat or associated with our muscles. It can be worth discussing such matters with a doctor.

You might want to look up omentum. The omentum is a fat, underneath the abd muscles. Omentum is like an "apron" of fat that protects organs and is associated with hormones. It is not removable like fat on top of the abdominal muscle.
