Big Tournament Preparation

This Saturday night my high school's Ultimate team is hosting a tournament with some of the best players from some of the best schools in the state. I want to be in the best condition I possibly can by then.

So my question to the educated people of this forum is, "What should I do to best prepare myself?"

Here's the situation I'm looking at. It's a tournament, with 5 games each lasting 50 minutes. There's going to be like a 5 or 10 minute break between games, not a lot. There will be 5 teams of 12 players, and you have 7 players from each team on the field at a time. So that means I'll be playing about 2/3 of the 50 minutes per game. **If you're unfamiliar with the type of work an Ultimate player does, think a wide receiver or cornerback in North American football** The tournament is about 5 hours long, and for the significant majority of that time I'm going to be sprinting, jumping, diving and jogging around. The tournament starts at 6:00 PM and ends at 11:00 PM, so getting up early isn't an issue.

As far as athleticism right now goes, I'm in pretty good condition. If I haven't lifted/done other exercises before, I can run a mile in about 5:45 without too much stress. That should give a decent idea of my cardiovascular fitnes.

So, given all of that information, what is the best way I can prepare myself for such an event? I exercised today and did some light interval training, what should I do Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday to make sure I'm in peak condition? What food should I eat? Should I be stretching a lot?

Any help is appreciated, thanks guys.