Big Nose Make You Ugly?!

Hey guys and gals.. I have a big confidence problem lately. Before school started i was really confident about my looks and all. But ever since the 3rd day of school when some kid told me i had a big nose i have focused on it constantly!!! I cant get over it. It has a little bump thats all and NOBODY ever notices or comments on it except me. I ask people and they say no! and girls think im attractive and all. Do you think its worth nose surgery to get it perfectly straight or do you believe people look best the way they are and that peoples features fit them best? Do you think a non perfect nose makes me ugly? Its only bad from the side.
Butch up, Jaco. What the hell does it matter if one hater has a problem with your face? Especially when no one else does. Afaik, the only feature women consistently find unattractive is low self-esteem.

Repeat after me: "**** those ****ers." :D

Also, hey hi hello, good to see you're still around. :)
Hey guys and gals.. I have a big confidence problem lately. Before school started i was really confident about my looks and all. But ever since the 3rd day of school when some kid told me i had a big nose i have focused on it constantly!!! I cant get over it. It has a little bump thats all and NOBODY ever notices or comments on it except me. I ask people and they say no! and girls think im attractive and all. Do you think its worth nose surgery to get it perfectly straight or do you believe people look best the way they are and that peoples features fit them best? Do you think a non perfect nose makes me ugly? Its only bad from the side.

The kids in school can be cruel. But it is a fool who uses the mouth as an improper tool in school when their own stink at the stool provides their fuel.


Take them to school by being your own crown jewel; become the master of yourself and you will rule;this will make you happy and cool and is your personal tool.

When my kids were teenagers, I always felt that they had 3 atmospheres that they had to properly live in: 1. The home atmosphere, 2. The school atmosphere, and 3. Outside world atmosphere (going out with friends, etc). All three of these, they sought acceptance and happiness as they interacted.

Since kids go to school for nearly 12 years (leading to High School) and is during a delicate growth period, social acceptance is a major factor in their lives, and is one that has to be "properly" dealt with when complications come up.

With this in mind, every person calling you a name has their own imperfection shame of their own. In other words, their crap stinks as strong as yours and they pull their pants up the same way. How you handle this name calling in your mind will determine how you handle it on the outside and can determine the outcome. You MUST be confident in your perception of yourself. You must "appropriately" stand up for yourself. DO NOT ALLOW another human being to bring you down. You have to bring things you face into proper perspective.

By the way, I have a big nose........its nearly 5 inches and I am balding which makes it stick out longer and more pronounced. Sometimes I go into a store, and here people laughing about it. I think its comical that their laughing at it and laugh myself. It doesnt bother me in the least. I know its big....I love the dang honker........:)

But like others have said, GET OVER IT. DO NOT let others define who you are. This will NOT be the first nor the last that someone in your life will try to attack--what appears to them as an imperfection.

Br proud of who you are. Your nose isnt big.........BUH!.........MINE IS THOUGH! :) HEHEHEHE
Hey guys and gals.. I have a big confidence problem lately. Before school started i was really confident about my looks and all. But ever since the 3rd day of school when some kid told me i had a big nose i have focused on it constantly!!! I cant get over it. It has a little bump thats all and NOBODY ever notices or comments on it except me. I ask people and they say no! and girls think im attractive and all. Do you think its worth nose surgery to get it perfectly straight or do you believe people look best the way they are and that peoples features fit them best? Do you think a non perfect nose makes me ugly? Its only bad from the side.

i have a ****ed nose to :( it goes half way down then bends to the right :(
It's at times like this I feel sorry for the beautiful people, so much of their confidence is centred around appearance that it's a very fragile thing.

Ugly guys like me have so many flaws that none of them stand out :)

My advice would either be to take a baseball bat to your face to make the rest of you uglier and therefore making your nose look great in comparison, or, take a baseball bat to the face of any guys with better noses than you which will lower the average level of nose attractiveness and make yours look like the Adonis of noses!

Good luck :)
Where I live all that matters is that your nose is 'tall', because everyone here has flat noses. Funny thing is I never even noticed that until they kept making a big deal out of it (and asking me to trade noses, ha, ha). Like I care that much about what someone's nose looks like...probably the last thing I'd ever pay any attention to with a girl.
It's at times like this I feel sorry for the beautiful people, so much of their confidence is centred around appearance that it's a very fragile thing.

Ugly guys like me have so many flaws that none of them stand out :)

My advice would either be to take a baseball bat to your face to make the rest of you uglier and therefore making your nose look great in comparison, or, take a baseball bat to the face of any guys with better noses than you which will lower the average level of nose attractiveness and make yours look like the Adonis of noses!

Good luck :)

Awww.. don't worry CCR, you'll always be beautiful in my eyes ;)
Obviously that 'person' has a problem of their own, and thought it would be good/clever to vent their opinions on's a kind of mental release mechanism that makes them feel better for a short period.

My nose isn't the most perfect. Some people have asked me if I've had it broken in the past (haha) I give a toss ?....nah. It's just other's opinions.

Your best bet is to say Thanks to them and walk away - it totally confuses 'em, and is quite a laugh (for you) ;)
Additional thoughts:

Never lower head nor believe your beneath anyone on this earth. None who criticize you are without fault of their own.

The Judgment of others and/or being overly judgmental of others can cause internal and external poison, and hamper true circumference of clear vision. Does one look at another and truly see? Maybe, if they were able to remove the spec from their own eye, but this isn't possible, because we all have specs in our eye; therefore, their vision of you are flawed as it comes from a flawed base to begin with.

Everyone STINKS, and sometimes persons need to take a GOOD WIFF of their own @ss, and just maybe this could make their vision just a tad clearer, once they get passed the self stink.

Remember this: The same people whom are criticizing you--they too can be criticized: (apply this thought toward the person and/or persons making comments about your body composition)

Sometimes judging yourself though someone else's eyes gives a different version than what you think of yourself in the first place.

My wife walks this earth with not being blessed and/or favored with the best genetics or body composition as compared to the so-called norm. She could easily fall victim to incorrect self-pity and in correct sorrow and depression (to make this list short). But she doesnt.

She doesnt hang her head to no one.

She isnt a jack of all trades, but SHE IS THE MASTER OF ONE: Herself.

Have I seen her cry? Yes of course. Have I seen her depressed? Yes of course. Have I seen the incorrect pity? NO.

Her outer branches sometimes whither, but the ROOT stays strong and brings water to the whithering branches.

Best wishes to you young man. Be proud of who you are and how your made.

Im beyond caring my nose has been broken so many times that I have no function in one of my nostrils. Mine changes in shape quite often. Its not worth worrying about. Some say it makes you more masculin. My lady doesnt seem to care to much, even if she does pull it.
Loads of dumbass's say stuff about my sticky out ears at school. They just need to grow up and stop acting like 5 year olds.

Funny thing is, all the kids who do all that stuff, you turn around to them and square up to them and they're nearly crying, it's hilarious.
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I wouldn't stress it. I mean I have a big head... and probably a lot of other weird things. Be proud of who you are, and just remember, it's not about the size, it's how you use it.
Sorry to bump up an old thread, but I just have to say that I specifically look for guys with prominent noses. I don't go for men with WASP-y features (White Anglo Saxon Protestants). I'll take an ethnic looking nose any day. (Think Jewish, Greek, Italian, eastern european, etc.)

Don't let one boy's opinion get to you. He's probably jealous because you get more attention from the girls, so he's grasping at straws to find something to bring you down, and make himself feel better. Don't give him the satisfaction.
Hey guys and gals.. I have a big confidence problem lately. Before school started i was really confident about my looks and all. But ever since the 3rd day of school when some kid told me i had a big nose i have focused on it constantly!!! I cant get over it. It has a little bump thats all and NOBODY ever notices or comments on it except me. I ask people and they say no! and girls think im attractive and all. Do you think its worth nose surgery to get it perfectly straight or do you believe people look best the way they are and that peoples features fit them best? Do you think a non perfect nose makes me ugly? Its only bad from the side.

Dude what are you worried about? Unless if you want a serious modelling career than this won't affect you at all. And do not waste your hard earned cash on surgery.