Big 14 year old needing help

Alright well I am new, because it seems like this forum can help me.

Anyways my stats...

Age: 14
Height: 5' 10"(Maybe a bit taller)
Weight: Around 174(Yeah I am pretty fat)

Now on to my training stats...

Bench Press: 105lbs(2 sets of 8 every on Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
Squat:(Just started) 115lbs(2 sets of 8 every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
Bicep Curl: 20lbs/50lbs(3 sets of 8, 20 lbs with each hand, 2 sets of 8 with 50lbs and both hands, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
Lat-Pull down: 90lbs(2 sets of 8 Monday, Wednesday and Friday)
Shrugs: 120lbs (2 sets of 8 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
Deadlift: Not sure, but I heard I should include this..

Alright, so I really have no idea what the best way to work out is and how to make a good schedule. I want to lose a bit of weight(I weight way to much!) and still build up muscle.

My equipment is..A regular treadmill and this()

Please help out a fat 14 year old :D
Lots and lots of stuff you can do. Do you incorporate any type of aerobic exercise?

Also, what does your diet look like? This is a very important part shedding fat.

You're hitting most of your major muscle groups with the exercises you are currently doing. Are you doing any core work along with that routine?

Answer the above questions, and I'll get you more details.
Alright I just found out about an E-Book and it seems like it works...Its the "Truth about Six pack abs"(By that Mike guy) and it seems like my parents will allow me to get this :)

And what do you mean with "core work"? Well my diet is pretty weird right now, I think I will read this book and then change what I eat. Because I don't think my school lunch is very good. In the morning I usually eat Kellog's Cereal(The one with Honey on it)

I usually do this program on my treadmill that goes for 30 minutes(Its not running its "fast walking") but again, once I read this book I think I will have a better idea of what to do and eat!
Sounds good. The more you can read and learn, the better. One thing to be aware of, just because it's in a book, or on a forum, doesn't mean it's "The" way. What's important is finding something that will work for YOU.

Core work involves working the middle part of your body - lower back/abs to be general about it.

If you have more questions after reading the book, let us know. Good luck!
The main thing I am trying to get out of this is what foods to eat and which not to eat. I will still see what I can do to add, but I will try to really do what this book says.

I will update you guys in a few weeks and tell my progress, anyways seems like a great forum and is gonna be fun being here :)
You should try 3 full body workouts a week that work compound movements, with cardio right after. Your walking is good. I wouldn’t bother with arm curls right now they will get worked hard with rows and pull-ups(or lat pull-downs). And you will need rest days to recover. On your rest days you can do active rest where you stay busy like walking or playing b-ball with friends but nothing too stressful.

Be sure to read the stickies in the nutrition section.

I enjoyed the first. Free any easy to follow.

Stronglifts 5x5

New rules of lifting

Starting Strength
Thanks haha.

Its a pretty good thing and it was cheap too(Got it for $600 on Black Friday)

Oh yeah 1 more question, which is better, doing 2 sets of 8 with 105lbs(My friends told me you add the weight on the end of the bar and the bar itself, so 30lbs on each side) or should I do 95lbs like 12 times? Or just do 1 set of 10/12 105lbs?
For your bench I would do

45 (the bar) x12

I'd only bench 2 times a week

check the 5x5 out. It gives you an A/B workout 3 times a week.

next week-

One week you bench two times for the A workout and the B workout you do an Over Head Press. The next week you do the B workout two times and OHpress 2 times that week and bench once.
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Thank you! I shall get that once I am done with this ab thing(Once I get the hang of it anyways haha)

And another question, I have been reading that after about 8-10 weeks of the workout program it is a good idea to just take a week off and do nothing, is this correct?(I notice sometimes when I don't work out my muscles get harder and stronger, but if I stop for to long they get weak again)
Yes conditioning can be lost quickly but one week isn’t too bad and a good idea to rest and maybe even plan out a new routine for the next 8-10 weeks, changing some of your exercises to something new. You may find it a good idea to get away from your 10 week program but add more play, or yoga, or something fresh to that week off week.
Also, what do deadlifts do? I read they are a great workout, they seem pretty simple, I just did 185lbs, although I think I didn't them correctly. But yeah, are they good idea to add to my workout?
I have one more question, in the truth about six pack abs it says to eat 4-5 times a day, but how do I do this if I have school where I can't eat until 1215(breakfest at 0610). I am just wondering what would be a good way to still eat right?
i dont eat 4-5 times a day and i have pretty toned abs (im also 14) but that's probably due to me exercising all my life and at fairly high levels of competition :p
Hey, how is the workout going? Have you got the eating thing down yet? Did you get an answer on the deadlift question? When you de-load, think of it as reducing your volume (how much you do) and the intensity...but not total time off. There is a principle in training that says, "use it or loose it"...BUT, it's also a good idea to plan recovery days...scratch that! You MUST plan recovery days.

There are many ways to skin a cat. Many WRONG ways to skin him too.

Let me know if I can help -
