Bicep Workouts/ No Machines

Hello Guys, I'm 18 years old and have been progressivly getting into shape. For the past 3 months ive been serious about it and have been workin out, at the moment i do not have access to a gym or any kind of machines, My question is, Is there an exercise i can do around the house to work out my biceps? The rest of my arm is getting huge but my bicep isnt cus i dont have anything to work it out, i know this isnt healthy and thats why i come to ya'll.

Thanks in advance

ps. Great Forum!
What are you using to train the rest of your body that you cant use to train your biceps?
Great question. My first inclination is to say go to Wal-Mart and pick up a cheap EZ Curl bar and maybe 30 lbs. of plates for about $40.

But if $ is an object, try looking around your house/garage for objects that will roughly allow you to get in that range of motion for biceps curls. I'm looking around here and some gallon paint cans come to mind, as does the 20 lb. bucket of Quikrete in my kitchen (don't ask what it's doing there.) I've heard of guys affixing old car rims to broomsticks!

Just look around and get imaginative and improvise. In a few years when you're really buff, you'll have great stories to tell about how you started out on such ghetto equipment and didn't let it stop you! Best o'luck.
Ok man.

If your arms getting huge in areas other than your bicep then you aren't working out properly. Most of the efficient upper body exercises involve the bicep somehow.

If you have no equipment and don't want to buy weights then fill sand bags up and attach them to a curtain rail or something. Lol. Improvise.