Sport Beyond Emotional Eating

Sport Fitness
I know all about eating when emotions run high, but my problem is a little different. Generally I am extremely healthy and follow a clean diet and work out everyday.
I hear that when you get a craving for a food and you are not really hungry, it should go away in about 15 minutes. But I plan my emotional eating. I will think about eating something bad as I fall asleep, and look forward to it until I get it. I am sabotaging myself.
Any ideas on why I do this, or how to stop? I just dont feel happy or satisfied until I get what I want.
Do you deprive yourself during the day? What is a typical day's diet for you? I'm just wondering because I used to deprive myself and not eat enough and I would be the same way. Now that I eat a reasonable amount during the day (and if I'm craving something I eat a little bit of whatever it is) I don't have that problem.
I take in between 1200-1400 calories per day, which is good for my size. I am trying to eat foods that are healthy and that I actually like, so I dont feel too deprived.
Its only one food that I have a problem with -peanut M & Ms. It used to be chocolate covered almonds... But it's like I will think about eating them as I lie in bed, and pick them up on the way home from my hour of morning cardio, even though I have a healthy meal waiting for me. I am never actually hungry, and I sometimes I dont even want them. I just think about them so much that I am not satisfied until I get them. Sometimes I eat a big pack everyday, which goes against everything I work for and believe in.
I know this sounds weird. But I can't seem to stop obsessing about whatever the "food of the month" is.
Don't deprive yourself from your favorite foods but learn to have them in moderation. It will be hard at first but if you can discipline yourself to ween yourself down to the point where you're able to enjoy just a few M&M's. Consistency is key of course, and then your body learns to adapt to change.

Instead of eating a big pack can you try to have just a few each day? Or if that's impossible maybe start by buying a smaller pack and have it every other day. Or enjoy a huge pack once a week.

You can also find a healthy substitute to satisfy your cravings. Maybe you can try a couple tablespoons of crunchy natty peanut butter with a bit of honey, a favorite of mine!