Best websites for Fitness/Bodybuilding info?

I have no particular preference, good fitness sites are hard to find. If its not full of muscleheads, it probably has kids, and if it does not have muscleheads or kids the guys who ran the site probably try to ram ads down your throat. If it manages not to have either of those then it has pockets of good advice sandwiched between very bad advice - take yer pick.
Not a big fan of actually.. there seems to be a lot of anecdotal advice. Not that everything has to be sciency, but they are not very concrete, IMO. Now it's not all that bad, so I shouldn't bash it to death, I guess..

I used to really like t nation, but lately there seems to be a lot of articles just about getting hyooge biceps, etc.. I like the more complicated stuff about physiology, etc..

Right now I don't really have any sites I go where I can read good articles, which is a shame. I guess I have to try to find some sort of scientific journal or something I can follow.. anyone have any ideas?
I found this today: