Best way to lose weight?


New member

I am new here and stumbled across this site searching the net. I am 6'2" and 245lbs. Majority of my life i have always been in relatively good shape, especially freshmen year of high school when i was a 3 sport athlete(Football, wrestling, and Lacrosse) man i wish i could have those days back. Anyways, once college hit i threw on the notorious freshmen 15, but got it off within the same year by eating right and exercising more. I am a Jr. now and have been working out for awhile now. My typical cardio routine is a 1-2 miles on the track and then hitting the elliptical for 30 minutes or more. I want to get down to at least 205 if not a little bit lower. I also do medium lifting as it will help increase my metabolism.

My question to you guys/girls is what can i do to increase my fat loss rate? What is a good work out routine?

Also, i dont know if i can post this here or not, but my buddy just bought Hydroxycut, should i buy into any of that junk if it really works? <<< Admins please remove if it is not allowed.

Any info is greatly appreciated,
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Also, i dont know if i can post this here or not, but my buddy just bought Hydroxycut, should i buy into any of that junk if it really works?
NO NO NO And NO...

the directions on hydrycut and pretty much any dietish pill state that the pill works with a sensible eating and exercise plan... Guess what? the sensible eating and exercise plan will get you the results you want.

I'd suggest reading the stickied threads in the exercise forum for tips on improving your workout - especially the weight lifting portion of it..

You also might want to get an account at or one of the hundreds of other free sites on the net to keep track of your calories -I find it particularly helpful to know what you're eating - it's tough to cut back unless you know what you're taking in to begin with.

Also don't focus so much on the number on the scale -it is - just a number - no one ever has to know what that number is... focus more on what you're seeing, how you're feeling, how your clothes are fitting, etc...