Best way to lose water weight

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Eat less salt & refined carbs, up your magnesium & B6, preferably by choosing foods rich in them & make sure you don't cut down on drinking water.
Here are some ways to reduce excess water weight fast and safely.
  1. Exercise on a Regular Basis. Exercise may be one of the best ways to reduce water weight in the short term.
  2. Sleep More.
  3. Stress Less.
  4. Take Electrolytes.
  5. Manage Salt Intake.
  6. Take a Magnesium Supplement.
  7. Take a Dandelion Supplement.
  8. Drink More Water.
how much weight can i lose with just supplement in a month
Thats a tough question to answer as everyones body is different. From losing over 70lbs myself it took more work than just supplements although in the beginning that was all I was actually doing. When I was taking only supplements in this case a detox drink to be more exact I lost about 3 pounds in like 2 weeks. Adding a healthier diet, working out a couple times a week that increased and I just went from there.
I read on the net that dandelion is good for losing water weight.

Dandelion tea has a powerful diuretic effect and because of that diuretic effect it can help you losing 2 pounds of water weight in a week and you have to drink at least 2 cups day.

But remember it can't help you losing actual body weight and be sure to consult with a doctor before taking any diuretic.
Hey everyone, I was reading a lot about detox because I believe that my body is full of sh*t since I LOVE junk food. Do you know the best ways to do a detox?
There’s a super easy way to do this. I recently found a new program that had me losing so much and it didn’t cost me that much either!
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