best time to weigh yourself

what is the best time of the day to weigh yourself? I find when I do it after school i'll have +- about 5 pounds a day but i have no scale at home...should i buy one and weigh myself in the morning right when I wake up or before I go to bed or what?
What I recommend is to buy your own scales if you can and weigh yourself once a week, on the same day of that week. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning and stick to it once a week.
well after the restroom, thats just dry weight, so if you want to know how much you're gaining thats the best way.

but if you're not weighing after the restroom you're just getting random ammounts of numbers that just keep changing
yeah but what if you weigh yourself on the same day at about the same time. I weigh myself on sundays about 3 hours after breakfast (so just before my next meal). I think it's important u know when to weigh yourself because you can gain about 5Lbs. after a big meal.
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