Sport Best Time for breakfast

Sport Fitness
What time would you say is the best time for breakfast. Because I wake up at 9:00 and then work out for an hr and then take a shower. So by the time i eat breakfast its like 11:00.

One more question, how muck calories do you guys usually take in for breakfast?
I think you get the most benefit if you eat within one hour of waking up. I take in between 500-600 cals at breakfast.
I eat within an hour after waking. But if you wake up and then workout...

- You should definitely have food before weight training... so maybe some cottage cheese and apple slices.

- Some people like to do fasted cardio in the morning. I don't like it. I try to eat something real small like an apple or something to get a dose of fuel for my cardio workout.

How many calories depends on you. Breakfast is usually the same amount of calories as my other meals. Take you daily caloric needs and divide it by 5 or 6 meals.
as lyn said at least take in some protein..i take a protein shake but if you cant afford it try milk and a banana
Is there a reason you do not eat before working out? Working out on an empty stomach causes you do get less effective and productive workouts. Even with fat-loss you should be haveing a whey shake and 2 fishoil caps.
I know that when I workout in the am, I'm an in a rush to get it over with before the kids get up. Not to mention I get pains in my sides if I eat then workout. Having said that, I usually feel fine to workout immediately after I wake (usually being the imptnt word). In fact, just yesterday I was able to run an additional 1.5 miles (total of 4.5 miles)- I felt like I could have done mroe, but had to get home to the kids.

As for breakfast, I do what Trainer Lynn suggested. I take my goal for cals for the day and just divide into 5-6 meals evenly.
sometimes i wake up in the morning and then go back to sleep, and its on and off.So my question is should i eat breakfast the first time i wake up or when i'm fully awake?
You want to to break your fast as soon as possible. When you wake up your body craves nutrition (even if it may not feel like it) As the others have said, get a good shot of protein and carbs. Someone said cottage cheese.. While it IS very good for you, it might not be the best source of protein to have first thing. Casein protein is slow digesting, this is much better before you go to bed, I would recommend whey personally, but other protein rich foods like eggs are great too.
niceone said:
You want to to break your fast as soon as possible. When you wake up your body craves nutrition (even if it may not feel like it) As the others have said, get a good shot of protein and carbs. Someone said cottage cheese.. While it IS very good for you, it might not be the best source of protein to have first thing. Casein protein is slow digesting, this is much better before you go to bed, I would recommend whey personally, but other protein rich foods like eggs are great too.

I eat porridge (oats+skimmed milk) for breakfast in less than 1 hour from when i wake, with whey protein powder if im going for a workout, is that suitable enough?
I would have the protein either way. Your muscles need protein when you are resting too :)
Otherwise, sounds like a great breakfast. Try to get it in you as soon as possible after you wake up.
Try eating before you work out and see how it feels. I personally don't eat until after my morning work out.

If you are not going to eat before you work out, I would suggest that you eat immediately after then take a shower.

Post work out meals are even more important if you work out before breakfast

The 30 minutes post exercise are crucial. At this point your body is ready and able to store carbs better than any other time of the day. Restocking of carbohydrate stores in this 30 minutes is 2-3 times more rapid as it is even a couple hours later. repair of muscle fibers is more effective if protein is consumed immediately after a work out.

There are 5 goals of the post workout meal.

1 Replace expended carbohydrate stores
2 Rehydrate
3 Provide amino acids for re-synthesis of protein that may have been damaged or consumed during exercise
4 Replenish electrolytes
5 Reduce the acidity of body fluids

So don't delay your post workout nutrition.
I agree with this mostly. The metabolic window should not be missed. I have heard no more than one hour. As long as you have a post workout shake (which I consume literally minutes after my workout).
Recently I have read a few roid head articles saying that the timing is not so important, but for those with a high metabolism, its key to get that insulin spike and refill glycogen to get out of the catabolic state as soon as possible.
I'm not really into protein shakes, oatmeal or apple slices with cottage cheese, etc.

Starting out on a new fitness routine that has me waking up at 5 am and also trying to fit in a good breakfast. Any other recommendations?
eggs (take out some of the yolks, depending on how many you have and what your pro/carb/fat intake should be), whole wheat toast, some skim milk.
i have my breakfast pretty much as soon as i wake. i have a MASSIVE appetite in the morning so i have plenty of protein in order to fill me up. it tends to be my biggest meal of the day.