Sport Best thing to eat for breakfast when wanting to lose weight?

Sport Fitness

Couple options here...

1) Oatmeal - always a good choice. Grain, keeps you full for a long time, taste great.

2) English muffin, yogurt and fruit. Lots of taste, low calories, gives dairy and fuit which helps aid in weight loss.

3) Protein shake - milk, 1/2 banana, chocolate meal replacement powder (not whey protein).

I would also highly recommend a good multivitamin. When you take a quality vitamin all of your body processes are working better, and you will notice more energy, thus more activity and increases metabolism.

Hope this helped,
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mikechez said:
1) Oatmeal - always a good choice. Grain, keeps you full for a long time, taste great.

Agreed ... I just started getting back into Oatmeal a few days ago, after having a long break from it (usually eating toast) and I can know see why oats is better. It keeps me full until lunch or until after I have done my workout (in the afternoon). Make sure to get Oatmeal with Low G.I. and don't forget to decorate it with some fruit :)
Smalling said:
#3 - why not whey?

I would say that probably because whey gets used faster by your body where egg takes longer for your system to use up. Please correct me if I am wrong here experts.
Tropez said:
I would say that probably because whey gets used faster by your body where egg takes longer for your system to use up. Please correct me if I am wrong here experts.

Nope, that's correct. Whey digests VERY easily...great for post workout, less great for any other meal. A whey blend that uses other proteins like egg or casien, is currently considered better for a general shake, and still usable post workout.

I also would go with oatmeal as a carb choice for first meal, due to the fiber content and slower digestion, plus the complex carbs. It really DOES fuel you up for the rest of your day.