best thing to eat before morning jog?

what's some of the best things you can eat before a morning jog / HIIT so that you will still burn fat, yet have enough energy to avoid black outs and vomiting?
and how long in advance should you eat it?

would 1 bananna do the trick?

could do with some more suggestions please :)
1 banana, about 15-20 mins before you leave. I love bananas!
I always eat a piece of whole wheat toast with pnut butter on it. Then have a banana when I get home.
When I did my interval running in the morning, I would have between 2-4 tablespoons of peanut butter and a glass of Gatorade about 30 minutes beforehand.The peanut butter took no prep time, was quick to eat, and because it had protein as well as fat, I thought it would help keep me from going into a catabolic state while doing intense training.I always seemed to wake up slightly dehydrated, which is normal from what I'm told, so the elctrolytes and water in the Gatorade would help out there.Also, the sugar gave me a bit of quick energy for my run.Therefore, I'd recommend the same thing, peanut butter and Gatorade.
bananna it is then, thanks ;)