Best supplement(s) in this siutation

Hello First timer

It's been a mind boggling question for me and i'm looking for answers for it or opinions. I was at 280 now at 220 I've been on a steady Diet and exercise plan and now have increased that. The training program i previale is a 3 times at a private gym with trainer and trust me its hard stuff very condition with my off days conisiting of plyometric training. My goal is to get to 180 and to be lean and muscle. I want to test myself to the fullest and achieve that but i've been struggle at this 217-220 point for a month. I have hit the weights vigorously for football training. I'd like to take the opinion that its the weights and alot of muscle mass i'm gaining people still look at me and say i've lost weight yet i can't look at the scale and compare. I'm %100 dedicatied to my goal my metabloism should be in great shape i stick to the 5 SMALL meals a day and make drink water. I honestly see no flaws in my plan but no results? This is all i've honestly done. I want to see results quicker and i'm looking into Supplements to boost metablism and cut fat while getting muscle mass for EX: Lean Muscle X + Kre-Alkalyn. they have had good reviews but i'd like to make sure. Any other combos that work would be wonderfull to know. I really want to hit this goal i know i will but a bit of a speed up would help :)

Thanks for the replys and suggestions
kre-alkalyn is junk. its has NOT been tested, researched or studied, so any claim about it being 'superior' is just the company's marketing dept. talking, not science or fact.

If you're not losing weight, you're eating too much. Its that simple. you talk about about your exercise regimen, but mention nothign about diet.
If your eating program isn't good, no supplement is going to fix it.
I thought i stated i was eating 5 SMALL meals a day to keep the metabolism running, Maybe it was just the holidy season i might of slacked of here and there.
You know a site that has resuts of TESTED supplements or should i even bother and just stick to the Diet and exercise?
5 small meals a day, keeps your metabolism up yes to a degree. However, if you want to lose weight your 5 small meals still need to have less calories taken in than your body burns off.

Only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat.
And as far as fat burning supplements the ones the worked (With Ephedrine/Ephedra, Aspirin, Caffeine) have been banned for years because people kept abusing them by thinking more is merrier.

Anything you get now if you look at ingredients is basically almost the same and mostly caffeine with their special "proprietary blend" of other stuff (frequently a citrus of some kind) that is usually almost the same if you really look at the ingredients. None really work that well although they can look good on the scale as that much caffeine and citrus has a diuretic effect and you shed some water weight which you actually don't want to do. So I would not recommend any of them.
5 small meals a day really tells me NOTHING about your diet. it just tells me you eat frequently, which IS something I agree with.

but WHAT do you eat? 5 sandwiches? 5 big macs? 5 chicken salads?

as far as tested supps go, you can go to but theres SO much there to wade through.

there's only a handful of supps that work, or that work safely.
creatine monohydrate or creatine ethyl ester
EFA caps
A multi-vitamin
protein powders (without a bunch of crap added to them)

you shouldn't need anything fancier than that, and most other things out there either don't benefit you (like the NO/nitric oxide products) or is potentially dangerous (designer steroids like "TREN", etc)..or likely just don't even work (most fat burners out there are garbage...a few do work, but really are only worth taking near the end of a fat loss program..for the last few stubborn pounds)
But in a concept term I have lost 60 pounds so what i have done is work but the goal is set at 180 and this is the harder 40 pounds i only imagine. I will take a look at that site but as i said I want to be %100 positive that its a good and healthy way to do so which, might be a lot to ask for. As a Diet Perspective its obviously Big macs haha jk.

- Breakfast Consists of 2 pieces of toast 1 Egg and a Banana With a Glass of water.
-For seconds meal its like an Apple, orange, some assorted Berries or grapes.
- 3rd meal is a salad Carrots vegetables and some chicken to keep protein and a piece of cheese.
-Fourth See second meal.
-Fifth Is Stiryfry with chicken or beef

That is an example it changes but its under the same idea on watching the Carbs more so than anything i might need to take more carbs in since i do consistent workouts etc.

As i posted this it has been 2 weeks with not much Weight loss, My guess is that with a fair bit amount of alcohol, and holiday meals May have been a good reason for no change in it. I know what it takes to lose it i'm not trying to be a douche about it but don't say to me Less Calories taken and burn more i know that...It's not like its my first day. I Just felt like something went wrong or Any way to help the extra 40 and speed up the process
soooo not enough protein bud. you're definitely under-eating calories from the looks of it, and that's bad in the long run. you're probably burning muscle with the fat that you've lost, and that just makes it even harder to keep losing weight.

Your goal for protein is at least 1gram per pound of body weight. That means around 200-220g of protein per day. A piece of protein the size of a deck of playing cards is about 20g of you need 10 to 11 decks of cards of protein a day.

I'd say you're probably getting 60g right now.

You don't need supplements, you need to eat.
So What should i be having more of? Like in food terms like throw me examples of what good foods i should be eating with high protein in them.
meat. eggs. cottage cheese. whey protein (or a whey+casein blend). chicken, fish, lamb, lean pork, turkey breast.
I agree; You need protein. I supplement not as an extra but to fill a hole in my diet- I'm just not that organised to prepare lots of small meals containing the right balance of macronutrients. Thats when protein shakes come in to their own.
One BIG point is that you should be measuring you progress by weight, Inch loss and regular fat % checks. What if your are continuing to lose waist circumference?
Also you base metabolic rate will change as you lose weight so you need to adjust you diet accordingly.
Finadex 6 would be a great option it helps with lean muscle mass and it will also help in recovery. Your test levels will increase dramatically you could also stack this with Phyre to really push the weightloss
I should of mentioned my Shake I do have after the gym my trainer makes it, I'll post the ingredients when i get home from there tomorrow. And i dont agree with eating after my workout but thats why the shake is there to fill that workout isn't till 7pm at night and it goes till 9. I Don't Check my Body fat %, or circumference size I might do that but how do you test your body fat %? And how does Eating more protein help with the weight loss? Or is just about moderation. I Feel i get enough carbs in with the vegetables and fruits. Is there Any other things i should change and what should my expected results just so i dont panic or i have an idea of how long this will take? And my metoblic rate I feel it should be good for how frequent im eating and such. And feeding the right foods but If anyone can give me good examples of what a good diet plan for this now? Like 5 meals just a day of examples so i make sure i have the right idea.

For breakfast as of now I'm planning to add ham and have two eggs and Peice of toast. Is that the right idea? Veggies will stick the same and conveniently I have leftover steak to have for supper or lunch Not sure which, since my training is around supper time haha. Suggestions/Ideas would be great! Thanks
why is your workout 2 hours long?? if it takes more than 60 minutes to get a weight routine completed, you're either doing too much, or taking too long.

if you are doing weights and cardio, see if you can split those up.

Also, if you think a post workout shake isn't 'eating' then you're really not understanding things. Protein powder IS FOOD. Whether you drink it or chew it or shoot it in with an IV needle, it is food/calories/nourishment and has the same end result.
Your waist measurement is the most important measure to take ! Waist cirfumference has a direct correlation with overall fat percentage - particulary with men as this is where we tend to store it first and lose it last.
I dont think you should take any 'fat burning' supplements untill youve sorted the basics like protein- and remember whey protein IS a fat burning supplement of sorts. Having a high protein low carb diet promotes fat to be metabolised rather than muscle tissue.

I agree with everything Malkore has said. When you are quite overweight it is easy to lose weight- reduced calorie intake and working hard doing any exercise no matter the structure and you will lose weight. But now you have got most of it off you have to get structured.

Your training IS off and your Diet IS off
DIET- 5-6 meals (that includes shakes) ALL must include protein- replace alot of the fruit you are taking with veg NO cheese less bread more eggs. Less carbs generally and replace with protein (what maklore has already said)
TRAINING- I agree its time to split weights and cardio. You see a PT 3 times a week? so make these sessions your weight sessions.
squats, deadlifts, bench press, bentover/seated row, shoulder/military press, pull ups. These are all the resistance exercises you need to do plus 1 or 2 finishing exercises and some core work. So whats your current routine?
other three days -cardio- high intensity intervals. All sessions should take 45-60 min. If you are taking longer than that you arent working as intensely as you should be, period!
So basically For the waist Mesurement just take a measuring tape every day and keep an eye on it is that the idea?

For Training-Just because I into 2 hours doesnt mean i'm not working hard I don't know if i'm allowed to advertise but here you go.

I Train Hard every time i go there and all out So what if its two hours My cardio and weights are fine on that workout basis i get alot done in those 2 hours, I trust my Trainer %100 on that part and i'm not changing it whatsoever, This isn't no nubodys gym where trainers get scared to push, my Waivers are signed and i go till i cant go no more...just saying. On off days of the weights i stick too cardio and core. Skipping and some Plyometric training.

My nutrition is where i lack-I have shakes after my workouts but i'd like to get them in everyday so i can consider them a meal and make sure im getting enough protein all i know is that there are 45g's of protein in them i lacked in trying to get the products tonight. The Idea is i'm understanding now is i should be eating ALOT more meats and making sure i hit that protein mark of 220g's a day on average. For Carbs I'd be looking into alot of vegetable's and fruits to maintain that level there. And As your saying now try to have some protein with every meal but What can i have for Little side meals in between lunch and supper. This is where i know i am going can do all the working out you want but no nutrition=no success. The Training schedule I'm sticking to it i know its right and i'm not changing it, this training here is what will be what gets my into university football no doubt about that no questions asked. The nutrition is my one weakness and as i said i want to get this done. Thanks for the advice as well though.

p.s I tried to attach a link but it wouldnt let me to his site haha
You cannot train at full intensity for 2 hours period