What to eat before doing cardio, and what to eat before weight training? Also when is the best time to have the snack before the workout? Right before or maybe an hour or so prior?
I would normally eat about an hour before doing cardio. I work best on a big bowl of about 4 banana, a handful of almonds and fresh OJ poured over it. Maybe with a spoon of honey.
I would have thought it would be the same deal for weight training, but i'm not totally sure.
Everyone is different. Some people like a quick carb 30 minutes before working out. Others feel sick if they eat that soon. Some people eat 2 hours before there workout. It all depends on you.
The best meal/snack to have before working out is one that includes carbs. This provides areadily available fuel source. I like to have a banana and peanut butter half sandwich an hour or so before working out.
I usually go for natty PB on crackers or, maybe a cereal bar if I'm in a rush, usually about an hour pre-workout. Like Lynn says, everyone is different so, I would suggest you experiment a bit.
I go for a power bar (or any 'nutrional' bar) right before my strength training / cardio. Some poeple can't eat before working out... So it's really going to depend on your body. But in general I try to stick to a higher carb breakfest (I work out in the late mornings / early afternoons), and that keeps me full and charged for long work outs.
I agree that it totally depends on you, so you just need to figure out what your body is receptive to. I personally eat a granola bar, or a 1/2 cup of rasin bran, just to get fuled up for a work out. Just remmember, what you eat for breakfast that day, what you ate they day before and the ammount of water you are drinking will all play in as factors to how you feel during your work out! good luck!
Two hours before training I eat a small meal with slow digesting carbs, proteins and fats. Usually a small sandwhich.
An hour before training I drink a whey shake of just water and whey.
It works great for me so far.
Not too much weight on the stomach but enough energy for an hour of workout.
It's very clear we don't all have the same digesting speed. That big bowl of cereals would make my belly hurt like hell!
You're all right, everybody is different. At the same time though the way our bodies work pertaining to absorbtion and digestion is the same. A pre-workout meal or snack should be high in carbohydrates, but low in sugar. Complex carbohydrates will give your body the fuel it needs to perform and it won't affect your blood sugar levels so that you have an energy crash in the middle of your workout. If your insulin levels or blood sugar levels stay stable then your energy levels will do the same. Get your hands on a glycemic index and you will get all the information on what type of foods would be great for a preworkout meal or snack or just for a low sugar meal strategy all together.
Everyone's body is different' I have to eat about 15 minutes before a workout. Try not to wait less than an hour to workout after eating, unless your body really can't handle it.
I recommend a carb/protein mix with minimal fat. Medium release carbs are best for pre workout, with a quick release carb imeadiately post workout, and a slow release carb 2 hours after the workout. Some good ones for pre workout are:
chicken breast with brown rice
ground turkey with whole grain pasta
scoop of protein powder and oats
tuna and 2-3 rice cakes (depending on carb totals of rice cakes)
Just a few ideas. Plenty of carbs before a workout is best.