Best multivitamin for women

I take Zinc, fish oil and b12. I need a multivitamin (I believe I may even be deficient in certain vitamins) that is the best. I know proper diet is important too, but I need a well reviewed multivitamin for women. I've hear good things about One A Day women's (Dr Oz takes the men's version) but I looked at the bottle and it's missing vitamin b9. I seems impossible to find one that supplies a fair amount of ALL vitamins.

Any help on a good brand?
yes. Source Naturals brand, Life Force multi-vitamin (I get mine without iron because I get plenty in my diet)

the label will tell you 4 caps = a dose, but when you look at the percentages for a dose, and the fact that eating properly should mostly cover your micro nutrients, you'll likely only take one or two a day.

I recommend this one because tehy tested it and it has a very high bioavailability. many brands includign Centrum and One-a-day use really crappy forms of the vitamins and then compact them so tightly, sometimes with an outer coating, that they don't even get fully digested, let alone utilized.