Best laid plans..

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Im 34, male, 6'0" and am working on weight loss. I started at 263lbs. My goal is to get down to 2010 lbs. I can specifically remember, that at that weight, I can see my ab muscles clearly. So that is my goal. Currently I weigh 254 lbs and I have been dieting and mild exorcise for about 2 weeks.

But when things get difficult for me, and when I experience setbacks, is when I get hungry. I make good plans that if carried out, would carry any human being to their ideal weight. But saying it and thinking about it is one thing. Actually fighting off the hunger, is another matter entirely.

After I eat, everything is fine for about 4 or 5 hours. But when its time for that next small meal, or that next healthy meal, which does not satisfy my hunger, that is when things take a turn for the worse. Its like a giant monstrous beast that is very difficult to slay. I'm sure that most of you know the feeling.

How do you deal with this? Its all well and good to plan out your day, for weight loss. But then comes that last 4 hour stretch, where you will still be awake, but you're so hungry that it really freakin' hurts. It comes to a point where you just want the pain to stop. And if you try and eat a celery stick or some broccoli or something... well it just doesn't satisfy you. And the whole time you're eating it, you're kind of miserable. It hurts.

How do you overcome this? Sheer willpower and determination? Does the pain and hunger ever stop?
This helped me, maybe it'll help you. There's a book called "The Metabolic Typing Diet" that I read a while back. The gist of it is, different people are satisfied by different types of foods. Some require more protein in their diet to feel and stay satisfied, others more carbs. I was often getting hungry as well, though maybe not to the degree you're describing. Based on the book, I turned out to be a carbo type, whereas my diet included very few carbs and a ton of protein. Adjusting the ratios of the types of foods I was eating (protein vs carbs vs fat) helped me a ton.
I also should have mentioned that as far as carbs, you definitely want to avoid simple carbs as much as possible and go for complex carbohydrates instead. They will help you feel fuller longer. Being a carbo type, that was very relevant to me. Simple carbs are broken down quickly by the body and often just end up stored as fat. When it comes to eating carbs, definitely avoid all processed and refined sugars (sodas, syrups, etc), but also consider reducing your cereals, baked goods and dairy intake. They all contain simple carbs.
I would say that I am likely the carb type as well. Proteins don't really satisfy me, but if I can get a bunch of carbs, I'm good for a long time. I've taken to eating cooked sweet potatoes to help with this. I've also stopped eating breakfast, as it turns out its the worse meal of the day lol
It sounds to me like you're not eating enough. It's okay to be a little bit hungry but you shouldn't be starving. Would it be possible for you to exercise a little more and eat a little more? Aerobic exercise dulls the sensation of hunger, speeds up your metabolism all day, and burns calories. I found that when I exercised a lot and ate more I felt a lot better than trying to diet my weight off. That's just me. Your mileage may vary.
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