Best Diet Pills

There is no pill that works for weight loss, sorry.

Try cutting down your calories and do some exercise if you want, you'll be surprised how well that works.
You're in the wrong forum for that. I don't think anyone here favors the use of pills. In my opinion, you need to change the "pill" mentality and focus on your daily habits. There are no quick fixes, the best solution is having a bit of patience, watching what you eat and exercising. You have a better chance at succeeding like that anyway than popping pills and throwing money down the drain.
If you want to lose weight, don't blow your money on bogus pills but try a diet and exercise program instead, it's much cheaper and it actually works, unlike those pills that only screw up your metabolism.
There is not shortcut to reduce fat. Follow a healthy lifestyle in order to stay in shape. Eat healthy by adding fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and protein rich food. Yoga and meditation will keep your mind and body fit. Have a positive thought that you’ll shed the extra pounds and live a healthy life. Never fall under any gimmicks for diet and weight loss pills.
Supplementation & Fat Loss

I agree with the others here. Get away from the pill mentality. If you want to lose fat - the foundations to this are diet, exercise and adequate sleep.

Having said that -- there are supplements you can take to support your fat loss efforts. One is pharmaceutical omega 3 fish oil which helps to metabolize fat and the other is whey protein which helps to suppress appetite and build muscle.
Hi i want to lose my weight so please suggest me best diet pills for it?


I have taken the phentermine before which helped with the hunger cravings and hunger pains, but I also was on a nutritional shake and food program that helped me lose my weight.
I agree, diet pills are not to answer to losing weight. They are there simple so you waste money on them and to fill the pockets of the seller.
Last few month ago I listen about raspberry ketone on DR OZ Show, he talk about raspberry ketone what he said read here" The Raspberry Ketone comprises an antioxidant that happens to be the chief ingredient to work on weight loss. The efficacy of the Raspberry Ketone diet has been earlier tested on mice in Japan & Korea. Under both the observations the mice were given a high fat diet along with a dose of raspberry ketone. Despite the high fat diet the mice did not gain weight.
The Raspberry Ketone apparently aids to boost the adiponectin hormone in the body, which helps to regulate blood glucose and weight. It balances the sugar levels in the body and restrains from gaining weight. Thereby, helping to shed weight, increasing metabolism, reducing the belly fat, consumes calories faster and provides total satisfaction with its effective results. after reading and showing the show I buy a bottle from <spam link removed> I think it work or not confused. If anyone used raspberry ketone please say about it does it really work for weighty peoples
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No. Do NOT enter that web site!

We often get spammers coming to the forum - and spamming is prohibited here.

Postings of this type tend to be deleted by mod - as soon as we see them.

Instead of commenting on the posting - it is better to click on the little triangle that is in the footer underneath the posting. This causes an email to be sent to all the mods. As you can see - I have deleted the posting now (and the other spammy postings made by the same person).
Hi there.
I combine exercises with a good diet and I also take some supplements like L-Carnitine. It really helps a lot if you combine this three. I didn't used any diet pills before.
I always check out this website before buying any products in fat loss - [link removed]. My personal favourite is Fat Loss Factor because it takes care about your diet, your exercises and your supplements. Is anyone here that tried that before?
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Phentermine has created waves in the weight loss drugs market due to its incredible weight loss results.Phentermine is an anorectic oral prescription drug,which can facilitates an obese to sat good bye to that extra body fat with ease.

I think that this is an interesting article about phentermine:

It is an article that anyone considering diet pills should read. It is a few years old - but just as relevant today as the day that it was written.

I actually think that I will copy it directly into this thread split over a couple of postings.
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Diet pills: Dying to be slim
Last updated at 12:11 29 May 2007

Weight-loss drugs being sold online to thousands of British women can cause strokes, panic attacks and worse
They claim to take the effort out of slimming. But weightloss drugs being sold online to thousands of British women can cause strokes, panic attacks and worse...
The testimonial on a leading diet website is gushing: "I lost all the weight I wanted and then more - now I really love my body!"
The endorsement is accompanied by a photograph of its author, Karen, and a week-by-week account of her dramatic weight loss.
Karen, a slim, perma-tanned, peroxide blonde in her 30s, says she weighed 111/2 stone.
Within ten days, she had lost 10lb, after two months she'd shed 28lb. After just six months, she had lost 33lb and weighed just over nine stone.
Judging by the photo, Karen wasn't particularly-plump to start with. Still, messages of congratulations from other website users follow. "Wow! You look great!" exclaims one. "Thank you for inspiring us," writes another.

If Karen had stuck rigorously to a balanced diet and work-out regime to shed the pounds, her triumphant tone might be understandable. However, the secret of her slim-line figure has little to do with healthy living.
Like many of the women posting evangelical messages on this and many other dieting websites, much of Karen's weight loss is due to the work of a little white and blue speckled pill known as phentermine.
This drug, which is closely related to amphetamines, works as an appetite suppressant, stimulating the release of brain chemicals, which reduce sensations of hunger.
What Karen does not mention are the common side-effects of phentermine, which include mood swings, chest pain, tremors and irregular heartbeat.
And if you overdose, it can lead to hallucinations, seizures, severe headaches, blurred vision and vomiting.
What makes all this so alarming is that although phentermine is no longer prescribed in Britain, it is readily available on the internet.
Indeed, experts are warning that thousands of women are putting their lives at risk by buying diet drugs online.
For while it's illegal to supply such medications without prescription here, these laws don't apply to overseas pharmacies that sell via the web.
Research suggests there are almost 2,300 websites selling drugs direct to consumers, with global sales up to £30billion.
According to a report last month from the UN International Narcotics Control Board, phentermine is one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs, followed by a number of similar amphetamine-type drugs collectively known as "anorectics".
These include Ritalin, which is meant to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, but which also has the side-effect of suppressing appetite.
The agency claims that worldwide, the number of people misusing prescription drugs is about to surpass those abusing illegal narcotics and has appealed to governments to help curb the sale of these drugs.
Their warnings follow the death of 21-year-old Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston, who is suspected of having taken a cocktail of prescription drugs for slimming and pain relief shortly before she died.
Sally Webber discovered almost too late just how dangerous these drugs can be. Although not overweight - at 5ft 7in she weighed 10st - the 25-year-old human resources manager from Nottingham thought she'd "feel better" about herself if she was slimmer.
Browsing the web, she came across a site that offered phentermine for weight loss.
"I knew it was cheating, but I didn't think it could do any harm. I ordered two weeks' supply for around £100," she says.
"The instructions on the site said I should take one a day.
"I felt different almost as soon as I took one - more alert and awake, full of energy, and not hungry at all.
"After a few days, I began to feel really odd. I started shaking and grinding my teeth. I couldn't eat anything more than a few apples and a slice of toast."
At night, she'd lie awake staring at the ceiling. "I felt utterly exhausted, but within a week I'd lost 10lb, so it seemed worth it. No pain, no gain, I thought, so I carried on taking them.
"At work, I would burst into tears at the slightest thing. If I did try to eat a proper meal, I'd feel bloated and nauseous.
"I began to suffer from agonising stomach pains. But every time I stepped on the scales, I'd lost more weight and people were constantly complimenting me on how I looked."
Each time Sally reached her target of 8st and stopped taking the pills, she regained the weight.
"Then when I went back on the pills, it was harder to lose again. I began taking double and triple doses. The side-effects got worse, but I didn't care as long as I was getting thinner.
"I would weigh myself obsessively morning and evening. I hardly slept; I'd hallucinate, becoming convinced people were hiding in my room.
"I even passed out a few times. A friend eventually confronted me and said if I didn't get help she would tell my boss.
"My GP referred me for intensive psychotherapy. By then I weighed 7st and had been taking the pills on and off for three years."
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continuing the article in the above posting:

Amphetamine diet pills are hardly new, according to Professor Hamid Ghodse, former president of the UN's International Narcotics Control Board and chairman of addiction psychiatry at StGeorge's Hospital, London.
"They've been around in various guises since the Sixties and are highly addictive. Users can experience painful withdrawal symptoms, including nausea, headaches and convulsions, when they try to stop taking the drug.
"People take them innocently, thinking it might be an easy way to lose weight, but become hooked.
"The big difference is that now, it seems, instead of having to find an unscrupulous doctor to prescribe the pills, people can simply buy them on the internet."
The drugs work by stimulating the central nervous system, mimicking the natural effect of adrenalin by increasing the heart rate and suppressing the appetite.
"Users also feel euphoric and have increased energy levels," says Prof Ghodse. "However, this also leads to insomnia. Over time, sleep deprivation, coupled with weight loss caused by what basically amounts to starvation, can cause extreme changes in behaviour.
"Users have hallucinations, mood swings, become anxious, paranoid and sometimes violent.
"Because of extreme stress on the heart and raised blood pressure, side-effects can include convulsions, heart attacks, strokes and even death in extreme cases.
"There have been scandals about certain diet pills due to these side-effects.
"The manufacturers have responded by simply removing the drug from the market, changing the formulation slightly and bringing out what is basically the same substance under a different name."
Endocrinologist Dr Nicola Bridges, an authority on the medical treatment of obesity, says anorectic diet drugs rarely help people lose weight in the long term.
"Most people simply put the weight back on once they stop taking the drugs," she says.
"These are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. They have to be prescribed by a doctor who has carefully assessed the risk versus benefit for the patient."
The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends that anorectics should be prescribed only to people with a BMI of 27 or over, for short-term use.
Yet despite having a healthy BMI of 22, during this investigation I was able to buy an array of prescription-only appetite suppressants-from internet sources - despite flagging up medical conditions that should have prevented me taking such drugs.
When I typed the word "phentermine" into a search engine, it returned more than 43 million hits.
Even the WeightWatchers community chat website had more than 80 message-board entries in which users talked about using phentermine - also commonly sold online under the brand names Duromine, Ionamine, Adipex and Fastin.
One website, which claimed to be "the official phentermine site", featured photographs of doctors in white coats and promised "no prescription required, no appointments, no waiting rooms and no embarrassment".
I ordered 30 tablets of phentermine for £67. Before giving my credit card number, I was asked to fill out a medical questionnaire.
I put in my low BMI - which should instantly preclude me from taking diet medication - and claimed that I am a smoker with high blood pressure and cholesterol, and have a family history of heart attacks.
Though none of this is true, they are conditions which would make taking a drug such as phentermine, which raises the heart rate, extremely dangerous.
Despite this, my order is processed and within a week a small plastic bottle containing 30 tablets arrives in a packet postmarked Pakistan. The label, which looks as if it has been made using a home computer, simply says "phentermine, 37.5mg".
From a Swedish site, I buy amfepramone, identified by the UN as another highly abused anorectic, and phenylpropanolamine, a diet pill no longer prescribed in Britain or the U.S. because it was found to cause strokes.
Again the site asks for a short medical history and I claim to suffer from chronic heart disease and hypertension. Regardless, after handing over my credit card details, the order is processed.
Three days later, a package arrived containing blister medication packs taped to a piece of A4 paper and a "prescription" from Dr Thomas Wehrle MD, a specialist in "internal medicine" based in Solothurn, Switzerland.
It advised me to read the "approved labelling and manufacturer's package insert for further information, especially on sideeffects and precautions".
Unfortunately, the labelling and instructions are in German.
I also bought the ADHD drug Ritalin, from a source in the Philippines. The tablets arrived ten days later, taped to a blank piece of paper, with no instructions.
And I bought the steroid Clenbuterol - which is not prescribed in this country for human or even animal use because it causes side-effects such as arrhythmia, the sudden speeding up and slowing down of the heart rate.
Despite all this, within ten days I received the pills, stuck between two layers of masking tape. Again, there were no instructions.
Many anorectic drugs are considered so dangerous they are in the same class as cocaine in the U.S. In Britain, regulations aren't so strict and most, except for Ritalin, are Class C.
Despite the known dangers of these medications, when the Mail contacted the Home Office - which classifies narcotics and misused prescription drugs - it said it was an issue for the Department of Health.
The Department of Health said diet pills are the responsibility of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Although the MHRA is investigating a number of British-based pharmacies for selling prescription medication online, the majority of these drugs are imported from foreign sources, via the postal service, which, they say, makes it an issue for the Home Office and Customs.
They all agreed it was "a bit of a grey area".
In the meantime, websites continue to sell miracle pills to women across Britain, promising them an easy way to lose weight, when in reality there is no such thing.
If you need to shed excess weight, do not blow your money on tablets but attempt a diet and workout plan rather, it is considerably cheaper and it really works, unlike those tablets that just screw up your metabolism.
I think diet pills works. But it doesn't mean that you can eat anything you want, you have to use diet pills according to their guidelines. Most of the diet pills gives enhanced results if you workout all together. Diet pills have different functionality like some diet pills diminish your desire to eat, some diet pills prevent your body to absorb excessive amount of oil and some will step up your metabolism so it’s your turn to make your mind up which diet pills good for your body.
so it’s your turn to make your mind up which diet pills good for your body.

If indeed you feel that any diet pills are good for your body...

As I understand it - there are dangers with many of them...

Belviq for instance may not work as a stimulant - but it may impact mood and sleep patterns.

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I am thinking of putting out a sugar pill called "Fat-B-Gone". It will be very expensive, and it only works when you burn off 2 thousand calories a day through exercise. See, the mechanism for "Fat-B-Gone" needs to be primed by human sweat.

Next - you will be telling me that there is a strong possibility that people may be nauseous with junk food when taking "Fat-B-Gone" so there is a recommendation to avoid it.

And of course "Fat-Be-Gone" could warn of a lack of bowel control if you do not follow a low fat diet like they say with Xenical / Alli / Orlistat. Most people do not want to be pooing their pants all the time...
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