Weight-Loss Best diet choices if i want to "bulk up"



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well im 18yrs old, 6'0" 180-185lbs, i really want to bulk up, put on some major muscle mass. I work out every day pretty much, do lots of weight lifting on all parts of my body. This is my current diet: (im only 18 so i tend to sleep in lol) 11:00 (missed breakfast), take my Diet supliment pills (directions say to take 1 hour before lunch/supper), and eat an apple alongside the pills, hour later have something light, ie/ homemade salad: head lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, with 4 tbsp low fat honey mustard dressing (50 cals/2 tblsp), 2-3:00 have small snack, apple+carrot juice, made with my juicer (very good buy imo :D) 4:00: take supliments. 5:00 have supper, usually a protine shake (225cals) and something light, like more fruit/vegies (whatever i have on hand) then at 8-9:00 i go to the gym till midnight. I know that the time for going to the gym isn't good, but my dad is going through kemo and cant take me early, and unfortunalty he has to be there with his key-card. Once at the gym i work out all the muscles, in different ways once and awhile, to switch it up. Im not sure if my diet is good for building muscle mass. I know that protine shakes are good for aiding in the repairing of muscle tissue and such. Any tips/info are welcome
im thinking i should be taking in more cals but i simply have no idea what some good healthy things are, any tips are very welcome. I bought some V8 today, low cal for 1 cup. Should be good, cuz i shoudl be getting more vegies into me. I need to know some good healthy snacks i can have besides fruits, because they just dont have enough cals that i should be taking :(
btw i live in canada, so some things u advise may not be available here, but either way. thanks for imput :D
Hey there! I just did a quick estimate of your daily need for calories based on the caloriesperhour.com site... it is a great resource, and you could go there to find out more of this information, but here is what I got by entering in the stats you gave...

Factor-Category- BMR- RMR
1.2- Bed Rest- 2,416- 2,276
1.3- Sedentary- 2,617- 2,466
1.4- Active- 2,818- 2,656
1.5- Very Active- 3,020- 2,846

so - based on this information - if you are working out often, you would be in the Active category (if not very active), and most likely need about 2600-2800 calories per day to maintain your weight at that activity level. If you are looking to loose about a pound a week, you would want to lower that amount by about 500 cals each day... I would suggest setting your goals for about 2200 calories each day, and you would most likely be successful.

But you also need to get the right kinds of calories. Focus more on the protein calories, and less on the carb or fat calories... with a good balance, you will be able to shed those few pounds, and your workouts and the protein will help you bulk up =)
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I am considering using the following or something similar as a bulking up diet to gain some muscle mass in the gym. I need to know if this contains enough of the necessary nutrients & proteins etc. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

07:30 Bowl of bran flakes + Shake (banana,orange, pkt of instant oatmeal,yoghurt)

09:30 Cheese sandwich w/tbspn of peanut butter + cream cheese

11:30 Tuna sandwich w/ 1pint of milk

13:30 Half a roast chicken

16:00 (roughly 1hour 30 mins before gym) shake (same as breakfast shake)

18:30 Steak or chicken w/potatoes & brocolli