I will be trying out cottage cheese for the first time and was wondering what brand should I be looking for?
cusimar9 said:Tried cottage cheese last night... didn't like it much at all
I'll stick to my chicken/ham/tuna
Primal said:Iwillgetripped,
If you are serious about 'getting ripped' then I would stay as far away from cottage cheese as possible!
Not only is cottage cheese a 'dead' food, that provides little if any nutritional benefit, due to the extreemly violent high heat that it is subjected to durring pasturization... most if not all processed dairy sold in the US is toxic and loaded with 'great' stuff like recuminant bovine growth hormone (rGBH).
Even if you are using 'organic' dairy you still must account for the fact that 1. US guildines with regard to 'organic' dairy has been greatly deminished and grows more leineint daily. 2. it is pasturized... raw dairy is loaded with beneficial microorganisims that among other things supports our immune system and acts as an 'army' agains pathogens that attack the milk as well as whoever is injesting it.
If you wanna get ripped as your title dictates then your best bet it to eat foods that our ancestors ate 10,000 years ago... this includes meat (organs first, fattiest cuts next and finally lean 'trash' meat) and above ground veggies. If you believe that we used dairy 10,000 years ago I invite you to consider that we have been nomatic for most of our evolution on this planet... this means that we followed, and ate animals. We did not domesticate and begin using the milk of cows until only a few thousand years ago. and since it takes about 10,000 years to change .001% of a genone, it is safe to day that we havent evolved to the point where using dairy would make sense.
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Elliott "The Primal Guy"