Best ab workout for the quickest results


New member
My major problem area is my belly. Back in the day I used to have a nice flat six pack that I just don't know if I can ever acheive again. I have a boylike figure, meaning that I basically have no hips which accentuates my love handles.

5 days a week I hit the gym and do the 'weight loss' program on the elliptical for 30 minutes and then I do about a half hour of some sort of strength training. I am trying to tone up everywhere so the strength training regiment is different from day to day.

Breakfast is oatmeal or rice cakes with peanut butter and banana's
lunch is soup, veggie stirfry, or a homemade pita pizza on a whole wheat pita topped with mushrooms and 1/4 cup of part skim mozzarella.

Dinner is chicken, pork chops or fish with steamed veggies

snack is an apple.

What can I do to see results in my midsection quickly??
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In order to see a difference in your stomach, you'll need to lose fat from your entire body. Unfortunately, there is no "quick fix" to see results in the abs before anywhere else.

If you are looking for a good ab workout, I love the Tae-Bo Bootcamp for abs. It makes them incredibly strong!