Weight-Loss Benefits from cutting caffeine or sodas (diet or regular)



New member
I do drink coffee. 2-3 cups a day. I am trying to cut out diet sodas. I am wondering if my caffeine addiction is why I have no energy at the end of the day and why I cannot sleep at night.

I would like to know what benefits can be gained by cutting the sodas or caffeine completely. I look forward to hearing from those who have been down this road.
I was in the same boat a few weeks ago as well. I was drinking a lot of diet soda and while I didn't have trouble sleeping at night, I did find myself staying up late. This would make me tired in the morning from not getting much sleep so I would immediately hop on the caffeine to "wake up." It was like a little cycle that kept going. I just started cutting back a bit each day. Right now, I'll have one every other day in the morning but that's about it. I think the main benefit for me is the cost savings. Water is free! I'm also getting more sleep at night so the lack of caffeine doesn't even phase me since I'm well rested now. :)
I think there are a lot of variables and it depends on the person.

For example, some studies have shown that a bit of caffeine before a workout can actually boost productivity and energy while exercising. It can also boost calorie burn (slightly - it's not a magic bullet).

Also a cup of coffee or tea each day has been shown to be beneficial to heart health, especially in women.

On the other hand, too much caffeine can have a diuretic effect, which can be counter productive if you're trying to make sure you're drinking enough water.

And some people are sensitive to caffeine and it can make them edgy, stressed, and even mess with their sleep patterns.

I think it's something that everyone has to figure out for themselves, ultimately. I personally drink about the equivalent of 2 cups of black coffee in the mornings (1 large DD coffee). Then I don't drink coffee the rest of the day. Maybe 3x a week I have a Diet Coke in the afternoon - usually when I'm craving the fizz and flavor of a soft drink. But I never drink Coke or coffee after that because I know it will make it hard for me to get to sleep at night. If I do go out to dinner and have coffee after, I make it decaf.
as for why you have no energy..are you eating enough? a lot of people tend to overdo it when they start out dieting and cut their calories way too low. next time you feel you have no energy, eat a hearty meal and wait a little, that should tell you whether it's the caffeine or not.
A month ago, I cut overnight from 5-6 coffees a day to 1 and faced no loss of energy. I am the first surprised.