This is my first time on this website and I'm glad to meet you all.
My weight started to go up rapidly three years ago; because of all the stress in my life, I ended up eating all sorts of junk snacks and drinking energy drinks nonstop while I was working or studying all night or even driving.
9 months ago I decided to take action after my weight entered the overweight category; but since I had no knowledge about how to lose weight, it became a very slow and rather disappointing process.
At this stage of my life, I still experience the same amount of stress as before, but I've also gained some knowledge about how my body works so I'm hoping from now on I can manage to lose weight efficiently.
As of now, I wish to lose 22 pounds as fast as possible. The method I wanna try is Intermittent Fasting, 5:2 plan. I've started it for a week now but I have to say fast days are really really difficult for me.
On fast days I eat a breakfast equal to 500-550 calories and for the rest of the day, I only have water, tea or black coffee. I find it so difficult to stop myself from having something to eat. Hunger doesn't really bother me but it's like this habit of always eating something tasty won't go away. It's all about habits I guess.
I sit by the computer all day long and have absolutely no physical activities. Can't change this though because I have to finish my studies in a few months and there's not enough time.
Things I think I should work on now are:
1) sticking to 5:2 plan and recording the results for at least one month
2) decreasing my stress level by daily meditation and time management (writing a to-do list first thing in the morning)
3) getting enough sleep
This is my first time on this website and I'm glad to meet you all.
My weight started to go up rapidly three years ago; because of all the stress in my life, I ended up eating all sorts of junk snacks and drinking energy drinks nonstop while I was working or studying all night or even driving.
9 months ago I decided to take action after my weight entered the overweight category; but since I had no knowledge about how to lose weight, it became a very slow and rather disappointing process.
At this stage of my life, I still experience the same amount of stress as before, but I've also gained some knowledge about how my body works so I'm hoping from now on I can manage to lose weight efficiently.
As of now, I wish to lose 22 pounds as fast as possible. The method I wanna try is Intermittent Fasting, 5:2 plan. I've started it for a week now but I have to say fast days are really really difficult for me.
On fast days I eat a breakfast equal to 500-550 calories and for the rest of the day, I only have water, tea or black coffee. I find it so difficult to stop myself from having something to eat. Hunger doesn't really bother me but it's like this habit of always eating something tasty won't go away. It's all about habits I guess.
I sit by the computer all day long and have absolutely no physical activities. Can't change this though because I have to finish my studies in a few months and there's not enough time.
Things I think I should work on now are:
1) sticking to 5:2 plan and recording the results for at least one month
2) decreasing my stress level by daily meditation and time management (writing a to-do list first thing in the morning)
3) getting enough sleep