Being Fit Can Make You More Successful in Life

Being Fit Can Make You More Successful in Life

Ever wonder how being fit can lead to more success in life? Let’s examine some factors that relate to a successful fitness program. A few come to mind immediately- determination, accountability, motivation, consistency and persistence, to name a few. I believe if you demonstrate these characteristics in fitness, they can be transferred to other aspects of your life, making you more likely to be successful.

Beginning with determination, there needs to be a purpose for whatever it is that we are pursuing. In fitness, our purpose is to be strong, healthy and have an overall feeling of well-being. By demonstrating this trait we make more accommodations to get our workouts in, no matter how busy our day is, knowing that we won’t feel as good with ourselves if we miss.

Next is accountability, having the responsibility to follow through with our goals or promises made to ourselves. If we aren’t accountable to ourselves, words are truly only words and have no meaning. We need to put thought into action and live with our decisions to be committed to our goals. If we can do this, we are closer to achieving greatness with ourselves.

Having the motivation to follow through is similar to accountability and determination but it differs in that we need to identify what really drives us. What is our driving force to get out of bed each and everyday? Are we motivated by knowing we’ll feel better by exercising regularly or that we will look better by being consistent with our fitness programs? That is for you and you alone to determine.

Consistency ties in nicely with the first three because we need to perform them day in and day out in order to really benefit from exercise on a mental level, as well as a physical one. In addition, getting a workout in on a regular basis builds greater levels of fitness than sporadic bouts of exercise. The rationale is that by depleting your energy stores through physical activity, you’ll recover with more reserves for the next workout. When done consistently over time, we gain greater energy reserves and get stronger and feel better as a result.

Our last factor, persistence, means, “to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of opposition.” When we apply this trait to our fitness attitude, our workouts take on a new purpose and we get them in regardless of oppositions like; bad days, “low energy”, love life, crowded gym or my group exercise class is full etc… None of these circumstances or any other for that matter should have an effect as to deciding if you workout or not. Have the discipline necessary to see beyond these petty obstacles. No excuses, plain and simple.

Putting the traits of determination, accountability, motivation, consistency and persistence in motion for your workouts will lead to successful fitness gains. This will result in a healthier individual, physically and mentally. These characteristics can easily be transferred to life. Also, individuals applying these traits to their careers should have an easier time converting them to their fitness goals. Life’s a 2-way street. I believe these 5 factors are important for long-term fitness gains and if applied to other aspects of our life, we can be successful there as well.