bein sick...

Hey watsup

I was just wonderin, ive been sick for the last week (not sure with what exactly) but i still worked out at first. Its nothing like crazy serious, like a fever and sore throat. I also had to wrestle while sick and i didnt do too well...Anyways, my parents dont want me to work out anymore until i get better and my question was basicaly, does workin out when your sick have a negative effect, and could it even have caused me to not get better fast?

Cause i still get urges to lift, even though im fatigued. What should I do?

I think sometimes working through sickness actually can promote faster healing (like a cold) but in your case with the fever and such it doesn't sound like a good idea. Being sick like that you need good rest and recovery. Working out more will impare your immune system further and you'll just prolong it all. I'd listen to the parents on this one. Bottle the urges to lift for the day you get back to the gym and feel 110%
I've had this cold for about 6 days, i worked out 5 out of those days and i was going to go hit the gym today after work but im just way to drained. Probably best if i just take a day or two (been awhile since i did that) away from the gym.
NEVER WORK OUT SICK!!!!!....for a few reasons, first of all you can't go hard, so why work out at all. Second your body is already stressed fighting your illness and doesen't need muscular stress to have to cope with as well
i've got a slight cold, myself. I intend to workout today, but it's funny because every time i do something active with this cold, i tend to feel much better.
im sick also and my fever is 103.6

is there ANYTHING I can do because im sooooo bored.