Beginning Running Tips and Training Schedule

Hey guys-

I'm pretty new to the forums here and thought talking with some other people might help me follow up on my New Years Resolutions of becoming more active.

I would like to start running, would like some way/schedule of working up to my goal of being able to run 5 miles- like some sort of training plan. Can anyone offer good tips on beginning to run and building up my endurance?

Any advice would be much appreciated!
i don't really have very good advice, but i can tell you what i did. my original plan was to drop a few lbs, so i started with some walking/light jogging. i warmed up with a brisk walk, then i would go into a jog until i felt out of breath. i would try to get at least 30 min about 3 times a week. pretty soon, i could jog the whole 30 min without walking. i then increased my time and then my speed. when my brother-in-law told me about the local 5k race coming up, i figured since i'm running anyway, it would give me something to look foward to. i mapped out a route(3.1 miles-length of the 5k) and started timing myself. i started at 36min, and now i do it in 28min. it takes time, but i would suggest that you commit to at least 30min, at least 3 days a week. good luck!
If you're a little short on time and even more masochistic, I suggest you redirect yourself to the HIIT subsection.
I keep seeing that- What is HIIT?

(Not sure if that's a dumb question.....I'm totally new to this forum, and fitness in general, so.....)

I'll check it out.
ahhh, found it. Thanks everyone, that is more what I'm looking for.

I wish it were warm so I could run outside! The treadmill is a pain sometimes....
Free running program for beginners

Hi Fitgirl

Ive sent you an email with a link to a free guide for starting a running program, hope it helps.
Free beginners program

Hi All

Ive had a few message about the free program but I cannot reply yet until I have 5 days membership(?) I didnt want to post a link here because it is to my own site and I notice it against the rules. I'll reply to your shortly.
About your program

Hi Zoner,

I just joined today because I was online trying to find information about running and came across this site and your reply about your free program. Could you please (if you don't mind) send me a copy of your program.

Thanks so much.
I'm just getting into my running and have read some pieces about HIIT but how do I introduce it into my training when it is something I am not used to?
So Fitgirl - How is the program going? I am interested in beginning the same thing and I have very little endurance. I am just curious as to what has worked for you and what hasn't.

Is that running program starter still available from whoever listed it on here? I would be very interested in it, is possible.
Check out , and the the c25k (couch to 5k) training program. Its great for beginners and you can adjust it to you fitness levell.