Beginners Program


Several months ago, I was well on my way from being a beginner runner to a more regular runner. I started off by running for about 15 minutes three times a week. Nothing to difficult. Two weeks later a progressed to running non-stop for 30 mins per week. I started to feel more & more confident, and with the diet I was on (Low carbs ; High Protien) my weight started to drop off nicely. In just over one month, I managed to drop from on overweight 99kg's to 86kg's. 13kg loss.

I also started to run the occasional 10km road race. I could finish without stopping, and was glad just to finish. It felt good.

However, when I stopped my diet, I slipped a disc in my spine and hurt my back quite badly. I just got up off the couch and pop. Instant pain. I rested it for a while, and went to the physio. Although the break in the routine was not good for my running and my confidence levels.

I am back at my overweight 99kg's, and feeling fat, lazy and demotivated. I want to start up again, and long to feel that wonderful feeling of running again, but I want to do it right. I fear that my enthusiasm the last time, and rapid weight loss may have been a contributing factor to my injury.

Does anyone know of a fool proof way of systematically breaking in to a tried and tested running routine that will see me regain my fitness and enjoyment. I also am trying to find a good way of eating, but I hate having to skimp and not enjoy the foods that I love. During my diet, I found myslef chopping and preparing food all the time, and I hate that. There has gat to be an easier way. Just what foods do I need to stay away from?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Oh yes, and I also enjoy cycling.
Does anyone know of a fool proof way of systematically breaking in to a tried and tested running routine that will see me regain my fitness and enjoyment.

What have doctors and physical therapists told you regarding your injury? Was it running related; if so, what did they tell you to do to avoid such an injury in the future?

Just what foods do I need to stay away from?

Deep fried carbohydrates
Added sugar (including corn syrup and other syrups), including sodas and other sweet beverages (fruit juices have less fiber than whole fruit, while concentrating sugars and calories)
White bread (any wheat bread where the first ingredient is not "whole wheat")
White rice
Trans fat / partially hydrogenated oil
Coconut or palm kernel oil
Fatty meat other than fish
Full fat dairy products and other dairy fat (butter, cream)
Fish with high risk of mercury contamination

Also, since you are trying to lose body fat, some nutritious high calorie foods need to be limited:

Dried fruit

If that seems limiting, you still have plenty of other foods to choose from:

Whole fruits
Lentils / beans / legumes
Whole grains, such as whole wheat bread, brown / black / red rice, oatmeal
Fish, other than those with high risk of mercury contamination
Lean meat
Skim milk dairy products