
Hi All,

I am hoping to get peoples advice on whats the best workouts to do with what I have below. I am looking to do as much as id needed and can take of course in order to start getting fitter, losing a bit of weight and also gaining some muscle.

I have already changed my Diet so I am eating things with high protein and some carbs for wieght training. Also have a whey Protein I take in the morning and evening before workout.

I have cut out all bad foods and mostly drink apart from the few cans at the weekend.

The Equipment I have is below

Home Gym which comprises of following workouts - Butterfly, Leg Extensions, Machine Bench Press, Machine Preacher Curls, Machine Upright Row, Cable Curls, Low Pulley Side latteral, Cable Rows, Small Bar Front Lat Pulldown, Tricep Pushdown and Lat Pull Down front and back.

Non Motorised Treadmill
Air Walker/Cross Trainer kind of thing
Cross trainer with no Speed thing to set resistance
Weight Bench - Got Bar and Weights and Dumbells
Crunch Machine
Skipping Rope

I thought I would include everything just in case.

At the moment I am mainly doing about 20 mins every other day on the Cross Trainer and then about 2x15 reps of each excercise on the home gym 3 times a week.

The rest of the equipment I have just purchased and now that i have a proper Weight bench and more Cardio stuff, wanted to make sure i am splitting everything and doing it right for maximum effect.

So I know i cant do everything everyday especially weight training as from what I read, things like 3 day splits and rest days are better than doing it everyday. Correct me if I am wrong.

As with the Cardio, I am looking at doing as much of this as possible depending on what my body can take, but is doing this everyday if can a good idea or should that be split.

As I said, I am not loking to gradually do it but know I am not going to be able to do loads straight off, but wanted to maximise what i can do form the start.

Just as a background my main reason for this, is to 1st lose weight or lose the fat off my chest and stomach(however i know it comes off everywhere), and to weight train to build some muscle and cardio for overall Fitness.

I have looked on the beginners guide but i am totally useless in this department knowing what to doetc, so any help would be very grateful

If need anymore Info then let me know

Sounds like you have enough kit there to get into some great shape. All you need now is some kind of direction.
The trainig that I use is like cross training. Takes about 40 minutes each session and is not tied down to say a bike or treadmill so your dont get bored. I hit each muscle hard sometimes up to 3 times a week but all in different order so I am never ready for whats on the menu, its always changing so there is no getting used to it and no muscle memory.
Why not have a look in my journal in the journal section of this site where I post my daily workouts, or yiou can log onto my site i hope this is useful for you.
If you have any direct questions then please just let me know. I would be more than happy to help.