beginner...does this sound good?

How long does it usually take to adapt to running for a long period of time?

And this is my plan, can you tell me if its good for a beginner and if there is anything you'd change Im open for sugg.'s...

week 1and 2.) jog/run/bike 1hr. 3x per week
week 3 and up.) jog/run/bike 1hr. 4x per week (more jog/run than biking and I'll be upping how far I go and the speed each week...hopefully)

*Currently It takes me 15 min. to run a, give me a break im just getting started :rolleyes: , but id like to be able to do 2 miles w/o stopping or at least with few breaks inbetween. I have plenty of time but I want to get to that point asap, I dont want to be stuck at doing a mile in 15 y'know.

anyway, thanks for your help you guys! I'm lovin this site, its been very helpful.


you are doing fine as a beginner
just dont over exert yourself at any stage
do your best
slowly increase the distance when you feel it comfortable
If you wanna run say 2 miles without stopping than start at a pace you can hold onto for that long. Then gradually you can pick up the pace. Also is it your legs that are giving out or your breath? If your running out of breath you could try some HIIT either on the bike or running, when I did that it improved my lung capacity and overall cardiovascular fitness. i.e.- I had more stamina for the long runs.

Thanks for the advice you guys. Im am trying to go long distance so maybe i'll try the HIIT thing after I get more used to running regularly. I do get out of breath but its not like stoping every min. to catch it, I'll jog for 4 blocks then walk a block and jog again. I crashed on my bike last night though so i have to take the day off, slamed my knee right into railing=very sore and very purple.
