Sport Begging For Help

Sport Fitness
Ok, so I'm a teen and know absolutely NOTHING about nutrition and eating well. So, I'm asking for somebody's help to maybe take some time to give me out a guidline on what I should eat, and maybe give some examples of what those foods are and things like that and like a layout of daily things. What I will be doing is posting at the end of the day what I ate throughout the day, I warn you it may be horrifying lol. I weigh 160-165 give or take and am 5'6. I will be starting doing a HIIT 2 min walk, 2 min jog, 1 min run propably by tomorrow or the next day. I'm joining the wrestling team in September and hopefully will be in shape by then. I also have a small amount of muscles and want to build them up, but I know that it starts in the kitchen. I'm a complete noob to building muscle, eating right, and that stuff. Please help!:)
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Telling you what they told me, search earlier posts in Weight training and such. I don't think you really need HIIT. You don't seem to have much body fat. You need to go on a bulking program, i.e. search "bulking". Check into Protein (whey protein), creatine, and glutamine. And, start a free weight regime. GL
Well, I'm mostly posting this for foods to eat because I eat really unhealthy and dont think that it is at all good for me. I also am a complete new person to anything related to health, fitness, and suplements. I know NOTHING about suplements. Do you think that taking those will be good for me (15) I'll start looking into those things and reading information about them, because in September I will be needing to go into wrestling and I will be pushed extremely hard, especially running and running up and down stairs (you have to do it for like a half hour or until they say for you to stop) so I want to go in there with a base of excercises already laid out for myself so it won't be as hard.

Maybe im looking for a God-like figure on here that can take me step by step through 1.what to eat 2. how to work out and 3. what supplements to take and when and how to take them. Maybe I won't find that person here. I want to be really dedicated to getting muscle and losing body fat because as of right now I have ABSOLUTELY 0 self-confidence when it comes to my body shape, I always see myself in the mirror and dont like what I see at all. An example, its June and I still don't mind sweating my A** off by wearing a sweatshirt to cover up my body. I really am coming to this website not as somebody that sort of wants to change my body shape, I'm coming here as a person in a lot of need, nearly desperate, to change my shape because I hate my size and am VERY self-conscious. So please, anyone, I'm almost begging for help. (sorry I'm coming off as a weird desperate person, but this is my last hope)

......My next post on here will be what I have eaten today and I will continue horrifying everyone that reads with my HORRIBLE eating habbits until somebody can help me and layout things to eat. :| lol

.......If I get my brother's cables for his digital camera, I'll take pictures of myself and show you what I see everyday :( = not good.
I know if you want to loss weight, the first thing is your running pattern. Run every single day, so you can get ready for wrestling. I'am a varsity wrestler at my high school, and im also 15. Dude, with wrestling, your exercise routine, and your diet is huge. You will come to times wher you WILL have to starve yourself to make the cut becasue you have to lose a pound or two in like 40 hours until your weigh-in. If youre going to wrestle, you have to be wanting to push yourself to the limit. I'm talking about running a mile in like 8 or 9 minutes on the first day you try. If you cant run a mile in under 10 minutes, i have to tell you to stop, and dont waist your time. Then, if you succeed at the 10 minute and under mile, ok, now get ready for hell. Everyday, add a mile to the routine, run a mile in the morning, then another in a evening. 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. By the end of the summer, to make sure your training has been worth it, put yourself to the hardest test yet, something that you havent even come close to. For me, it was run 10 miles at 6 in the morning, then come home and hit the weights hard, at least 2 hours. Then, that evening, after fasting all day, only drinking water, you go run 10 miles at the evening. If you can do that at the end of your training, then conditioning for wrestling becomes a cake walk. For real.

With the diet, its all about taking out the carbs, and putting in the dry veggies, and taking out the fried, baked, stuff. Lots of steamed veggies, and of lot of hard boiled eggs, and you only eat the egg whites. I found since the egg white by itself can make you sick after about two weeks in a row, ketchup becomes a great invention. And lots and lots and lots and then some more CHICKEN! that is your main protein besides your eggs and a main favorite of most, Tuna. Then, next choice can be lots of salads too. But, never deside that "The Juice" is the way to go. Steroids is never,ever the last resort. Always just keep pumping the iron. Oh, and if any of these guys tell you to take creatine, do not. We are too young to be taking that ****. Well, it will gain you a lot a muscle, but weight, and lots of Water Weight is the big thing with Creatine. Whey Protein from GNC or so representable company is ok thought. Hope it works out for you, stay focused and it will all be worth it in the end. i promise you that!
I like these healthy foods, recommended in the book "the abs diet:

Almonds and other nuts
Beans and legumes (lentils, hummus)
Spinach and other green vegetables

Dairy (low fat milk, yogurt, cheese)
Instant oatmeal (unsweetened, unflavored)
Turkey and other lean meats (steak, chicken, fish, Can. bacon) - no ham

Peanut butter
Olive oil
Whole grain breads and cereals (brown rice)
Extra protein (whey) powder
Raspberries and other berries (and most other fruits, esp. apples and grapefruit)

I know NOTHING about suplements. Do you think that taking those will be good for me (15)

You are so right. NO Suppliments for you! YOu don't want to mess up the biology of a growing body. You can probably use a DAily Vitamin with Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's), and you may benefit from a B-complex (but ask your doc.). You may also use protein shakes to get enough protein in your diet (as this will help you build and maintain muscle). You will need about 1gram of protein per pound of lean body weight. You need to have protein and carbs at every meal. Carbs meaning, complex carbs - like whole grains, oats, vege. Eat 5 to 7 times a day. With a glass of water at every meal and water inbetween. To lose fat, do your running first thing in the morning on an empty stomach when there is no sugar in your system, or just eggs, i.e., no carbs. REst between weight training, so that you weight train only 3times a week. The guy who weight train everyday are either burning out their muscles or are on steriods which cause the muscles to recover faster for one thing. Your muscles grow outside of the gym. Don't expect to be superman all at once because you will set your self up for failure, and then beat yourself up for not having enough will-power. It takes some of us a long time to learn that. You must work your way up, learning as you go, and getting back on when you fall off.
I wonder why they recommended instant oats.. they have been robbed of much of their nutrional values and often contain extra crap. They are not poison and are better than a lot of things you could eat for breakfast, but the real thing is where its at IMO. Nice list otherwise.
Alright, be gentle on me lol. During the school year, I usually eat 0 breakfast and 0 lunch. :eek:. I think thats my most problem is my eating habbit because I usually don't eat in the morning because I'm not hungry. Since I'm out of school, I still don't get hungry in the morning, so I usually eat like 3 hours or so after I wake up. As a result of this, I get hungry at night and that's where I get in trouble. I also eat the wrong things because I don't know what I'm supposed to be eating so I don't put anything on the food list, so there is always nothing for me to eat but junk. I also have 2 older brothers that eat junk but are skinny and muscular. I don't get it.

To give an example....yesterday this was what I ate, I think this is everything.
-1- bowl of salad
-2- white bread, 2 pieces of ham, 2 pieces of cheese on each sandwhiches
-5- or so choclate chip cookies (homemade:))
-8- hershey kiss candies lol

See? I really don't eat right and that's where I need most help. So far today it's been maybe three hours since I woke, and I haven't eaten anything yet. But, the one constant in my diet that I do get enough of is water. My father owns his business and brings home like a case of 30 bottles of water every week for me which I do drink. Today I'm going out to get myself running shoes so I can start up running either a mile daily, or a HIIT-not sure which. The HIIT would propably be 2 min walk, 2 min jog, 1 min run, or something like that. Thanks for the sites, I'm on there spending time to read all about them
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Damn guys. All those sites had a ton of useful information, and believe me, I read through and through. That's my problem...I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to be doing, bulking or not. I've been seriously thinking about health and lifting since I joined this site which is like a week. So I'm new to everything here. But thanks to all you with the sites, I'm going out to get my shoes early tomorrow morning. Thanks.
Yeah, that stuff I try to avoid, such as I have raw sugar and yes the only breads I'm starting to eat is all wheat bread. Also yeah the brown rice as well. Is that the only main items that are bleached?
Running a mile in 8 minutes is practically worthless for a wrestler. Coaches will have their wrestlers running and running and running and running and then they hit the mats and they puke all over the place. Long distance running does jack for getting the conditioning a wrestler needs. A wrestling match is very high intensity for 2-3 minutes on end. If you cannot go balls to the wall for the 3-2-2 then you're going to get eaten.

I'm not saying that the mile or two jog is a bad thing but it's definately not what will get a wrestler ready for a match. A wrestler needs to work with high lactate levels and get used to it and push themselves. Anaerobic activity is key for wrestlers.

HIIT and super sets involving modified Oly lifts, compound movements, and etc are what a wrestler needs. And, of course, tons of skills practice.
about the wheat bread....make sure its 100% whole wheat without high fructose corn syrup/other preservatives same are wheat instead of 100% whole wheat which they should be