“When Educating our minds we must educate our hearts"
What is uttered from the heart alone will be grown from this internal throne.
Its the place the spirit is flown and visibly shown and personally known.
Yes, pre-planning within the known "basic and advanced basics" of diet and fitness.......FTW!
No greater power realized.
To goal sensationalize.
It prevents:
I used to have a handle on my goal, but it broke.
No matter how you shake and bake it, there
HAS TO BE a certain level of personal passion for your diet and fitness goals
The POWER of CHOICE (within diet and fitness) is both a curse and a blessing.
Proper manipulation of choice, and you will maintain your course.
Improper manipulation of choice will compel you to low levels of personal despair.
And, you can handle CHOICE, through educating yourself on the basics and advanced basics of diet and fitness, and learning how to the properly manipulate this information within your own unique lifestyle.
You appropriately handle "choice" within your life (when concerning diet and fitness), and you will become nearly unstoppable as you work down your goal path.
You don't have to obsess. But you do need to provide "enough of you" and figure out your Personal Science:
What is ones
"Personal Science"?
It is the LEVEL of personal implementation of diet and fitness
into ones way of life that
solicits a lifestyle change that applies
"enough of the person" to achieve the goal they desire. This
includes making difficult decisions and easy applied decisions.
Knowledge is power and appropriate application of this power can provide strength control, and personal dexterity; learn how to USE and personally MODIFY diet and fitness knowledge to meet your diet and fitness goals---within your life and the changes in life that may effect it.
If, for example, you were to personally arm yourself with "just basic dietary knowledge, and some advanced dietary knowledge" and have a complete understanding of:
your personal calorie needs/activity ratio, you can try to setup a dietary plan according to your work/recreation schedule that permits you to maintain your goal path--and have fun at the same time.
It isn't that difficult when you truly understand the basics and advanced basics of diet and fitness, AND adapt to your bodily responses.
You are going to be "required" to convince yourself you can do this, or you are done, stick a fork in it.
Its over.
You are in charge of the outcome. No question about it.
No one will care "enough" more than you when you want something. You are all you have. Give it to your body.
A cheat meal (or alcohol in "moderation") isn't going to kill your goal path, when one is educated and smart in the basic and advanced concepts of the rules that are required for fat loss.
The most important thing, IMO, when you are wanting to lose fat tissue, is keeping your sanity,
but playing within the known and understood basic rules and concepts.
Personally, I view "
not being able to control one's cheat meals" as the more powerful killer and potentially damaging to one's fat loss goals.
You are "required" to control your mouth.
However, a few "calculated cheat meals" are not going to kill one's fat loss quest,
when its under control within the known and understood basic rules and concepts of fat tissue loss.
With this said, if "a few calculated and educated implementations of cheat meals" becomes a "facilitator of undesirable habits" and/or a trigger that tends to excessively break the rules and concepts of fat loss, then get rid of it...period; "it's handing you an ass whoopen" in your fat loss quest by controlling you,
instead of you controlling it within the confinement of the basic rules and regulations of fat loss.
You are not in control. You are being controlled.
The above (when reading comprehension is spot on), is the main reason, I press "education" in the basic concepts of fat loss.
These concepts can provide the tools to work with various items within one's diet (that are not "necessarily" that great to consume), and still stay on track with one's fat loss quest.
When one is fine tuned in the understanding of:
the calorie requirements,
basic knowledge of good food consumption,
calories in certain foods,
calories burned during certain activities, and
become educated in the "good" dieting concepts (such as Berardi's 90-10 rule), a person becomes
armed with making plans within their life to handle many, many, different things that would "possibly" otherwise knock them off their goal track.
Carry this within your heart:
Education of diet and fitness are essential, and adapting/modifying this diet and fitness within one's lifestyle is key, along with understanding the benefits and limitations of exercise equipment available to use and blending this in--and around lifestyle variances.
Outside hiring a personal trainer/nutritionist
you are going to have to be your own personal trainer and nutritionist and design a training program and diet structure within your lifestyle that works in conjunction with your personal activities.
And, this is possible. I believe nearly ANYTHING is possible.
However, it will take some pre-work and personal development time to get it started:
And, this begins with the "degree of seriousness" you personally have for your personal diet and fitness choice, and the willingness to garner the knowledge "necessary" to understand yourself within this diet and fitness knowledge, and then appropriately and personally applying it within your life to allow you to earn your goal you seek.
Take some time and seek knowledge of the almighty calorie and energy balance.
Really and truly understand this.
A lot of persons can discouraged through lack of knowledge in what there trying to do and--how to properly adapt this knowledge within their likes and dislikes and their personal environment (and when it changes).
This means making threads and asking questions. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches.
This means reading books, etc.
Take the time to learn about different exercises you can do with various exercise equipment and what you have available.
Learn about the different types of body weight exercises. Body weight exercising is an excellent approach to your fitness--at times.
This means to get to making threads and asking questions about them. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches. This means reading applicable books that are applicable to your situation and goal choice.
Earn some understanding on the calories burned during certain exercises that are applicable to you and personal situation.
This means to get to making threads and asking questions about them. This means getting on GOOGLE and doing specific searches. This means reading applicable books that are applicable to your situation and goal choice.
If you choose to drink in moderation, then
in-between work and this recreational activity, "fit in your diet and fitness goals to
such a personal extent" that this percentage cannot possibly be erased with what makes you happy and desire to do.
Application of knowledge of diet and fitness along with application and knowledge of your limited equipment is the key. You can live your life with diet and fitness and be content with it at the same time.
You don’t have to get obsessed, but
you do need to apply "enough of you".
"You need to just blend it in your life just enough" if you want it bad enough, to allow compliance progression toward your goal. We are not striving to be fitness athletes; however,
the speed and agility of one's goal can be determined by application within one's lifestyle.
Go at your "educated" speed despite the naysayers. There are always going to be opinions on what you do, "let your education on diet and fitness guide you" according to the bodily feedback you are getting.
How do you do this? You manipulate what your learn about diet and fitness WITH what you know about yourself (and learn about yourself), and blend it within your changing environment.
I have preached this approach with many posts on this forum about the absolute POWER in:
1. Manipulating DIET within ones personal environment
2. Manipulating TRAINING within ones personal environment
Think of it like putting a jig-saw puzzle together. As the pieces come together it starts to form a picture, with some pieces still missing. However, since you already have some pieces of the puzzle already put together, this will assist you in finishing off your personal product.
A. Calorie manipulations, B. Exercise manipulations, C. Nutrient manipulations, and Finding the correct blend within A, B, and C,
and understanding the body's design intention and one that works with personal attributes and personal environment.
You KNOW without a shadow of doubt, that the answer is in deed among these four items.
YOU never have to question it.
YOU never have to lose faith in it. All of these items are natural to the body: We have to eat (calories and nutrients), and the body was designed for activity and appropriate stress, and thus the answer IS indeed within.
With what you know about your personal calorie requirements (BMR, with what you do at work, and training), how do you think you could "plan" for these "cheat meals" (or moderate alcohol consumption, keep your calorie requirements, and stay on track with your goal?
If cannot....I will give a specific EXAMPLE......on how this is applied.
To get what I am
I must be the
I am not afraid of
I am the
master drafter hereafter.
Hear me purr with l
aughter thereafter.
A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them; life is like a puzzle--keep putting the pieces together young man..........ROCK ON!
Who tries to put together a puzzle without seeing a picture of the finished product? If you can clearly state and see what your vision is, you’re well on your way to seeing it come to life. The clearer your vision, the more targeted your plan will be. What do you see?
No plan survives without first understanding and knowing the enemy. You must know the enemy's strengths and weaknesses before you can learn how to battle it.
You adapt and you overcome,
you stand and deliver, and you work WITH not AGAINST, and you do NOT allow any, any negative feedback into your mental psychic to interfere with your goal path.
Best regards,