The chemical that supposedly makes red wine healthy is reservatol. It is produced by plants as a defense against bacteria and fungi. Given the fermentation process of yeast (a fungus) on grapes, it's not surprising that red wine has a lot more reservatol than grape juice. For this reason, red wine has health benefits that simple grape juice doesn't have. White wine has less reservatol because reservatol is mostly gained from the grape skins, which are generally not used in white wine production as they are for red wine production. Peanuts have a fairly decent amount of reservatol, somewhat less than wine but still a significant amount. Certain berries can also have a decent amount. Given that reservatol is produced in response to bacteria and fungi, the amount of reservatol in any food is going to vary a lot based on the degree to which the food was exposed to bacteria and fungi during and after its growth.
The supposed health benefits of white wine and beer are more controversial than red wine, but IMHO, one should feel free to consume red wine on a regular basis (i.e., a few glasses a week). I think beer and white wine should be consumed less frequently, but I don't feel guilty about having either a white wine or beer every so often, like when a social gathering makes it make sense to have one. I myself like beer, wine, and ^^^^tails, but fortunately I don't feel compelled to have any alcoholic drink on a regular basis.