Sport Beans....??

Sport Fitness
Hey All.... Lately I have been eating a combined salad for lunch which is DAMMMM tasty!:

grilled chicken with fresh chilli, parsley, spanish onion, carrot, lettue, spinich, celery, cucumber & fetta cheese, chickpeas & these other tiny creamy looking beans with little black splashes of colour on them - sorry I dont know the name of them!

I looked down in my bowl not long ago and thought hmmmm maybe the beans in the salad have too high a carb content for someone who wants to continue to lose weight? I know beans have a high fibre content so it offsets some of the carbs...... (I workout 5-8 times a week combining HIIT (stepper, bike & Tradmill), box/kickbox four times a week and weights)

I dont mean to be obsessive but I have had the salad 6 times now and I really enjoy it so I should really think about the whole bean thing if i choose to allow it to be part of my regular diet....

Beans are generally good for you, since they tend to have low glycemic slow digesting carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. Some, such as soybeans and peanuts, are high in fat, but the fat is the good kind of fat.
Beans do have carbs but I wouldn't worry about them tossed in a salad. Like tjl said, they are low gi and a very good source of fiber.

I make hummus and bean pate´for veggie dipping all the time, very tasty! :)
Unless you're doing a ketosis diet, carbs aren't going to derail your weight loss. Just stay at your appropriate caloric level.

Health-wise, beans are great. High fiber, low GI.
Many beans are also high in anti-oxidants. I remember the ORAC or another AO scale rating listed kidney beans fairly high.
I'm currently eating roasted veggies dipped in adzuki bean pate....really yummy! You can also use the bean pate for a spread on sandwiches. :)
yeah beans help in the fight against constipation but in a minority of users release unhealthy monoxides. :yelrotflmao:
By all MEANS eat BEANS!

It assists with your intestinal MARINES; constructs the diet MACHINES

and, if you eat correctly, will assist you to fit into smaller JEANS! :)

Beans, uh, yes the MEAN BEAN:

Best wishes to all on the forum!


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