Bball, im looking to tone up and get in shape, help needed with workout plan(newbie)

Ello, I do not work out or train but i want to start workingout and geting healthier, and so I can play bball longer and better. My stats:

Gender: Female
Age: 14
Weight: 230lbs
Lean Body Mass: 139.82lbs
BMI: 31.1
Bodyfat: unkown​

I want to get in shape for basketball, tone my body, build muscle, and lose 50lbs and keep/increase my lean body mass.

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first take care of your condition and stamina... stamina is really imporatant... run a lot and do lots of suicides... stretsh before practising and do jump rope... you are still youngt though so you dont neeed to worry.. but important thing is your mentality... try to be as active as you can in every thing that you do... try to do it eith a lot of enery and again run a lot... it will help you to feel better and to start loving running xD